The Ingenieur Vol 59 July-Sept 2014 The Ingenieur Vo. 59, July-Sept 2014 | Page 31

slabs. The piers consist of double octagonal columns with edge dimension D=2m, with rubber bearings connected to the deck. Both pier heights are 5.91m. The bridge is simply supported through a pair of bearings allowing free sliding and rotation in and about both horizontal axes. The piers are founded on piles cap. The configuration of the bridge is shown in Figure 1. While Figure 2 shows bridge cross section and bearing arrangement. calculated using the British Standard. Furthermore, the stiffness of seismic isolator bearing was calculated based on the actual design of seismic isolators following Eurocodes and the capacity of the bridge (Figure 3b). The calculation shows that, the shear stiffness of the seismic isolator is lower than the stiffness of the rubber bearing pad which is important in providing a longer period. Table 1: Bearing Stiffness and design period Bearing Type Figure 2: Bridge Cross Section and Bearing Location Shear Stiffness (kN/mm) Period (Sec) Rubber Bearing Pad Figure 1: The configuration of the bridge Compressive Stiffness (kN/mm) 713.0 2.160 1.13 Seismic Isolator Bearing 99.1 0.700 1.98 Figure 3a Bearing stiffness is an important factor to be considered in the analysis. Table 1 lists the compressive and shear stiffness of both bearings used in this study. The bearing design period (T) is an important design factor and has a direct correlation with bearing stiffness as shown in; T = 2Π W KS g where Ks is the shear stiffness of the bearing and W is the total weight and g is the gravity. In design practices of seismic isolators, the 2 second design period is normally considered. Table 1 shows the properties of both bearings used in this stud