The Industrial Revolution was from 1820-1870 | Page 8

The Northern and Southern Economies

The Northern and Southern economies were greatly affected by the Industrial Revolution. They did not both have positive results though. The North was changed completely. All of the small towns turned into big cities, skyscrapers were built, and a lot more employment options were available. Due to factories being put into cities, there were more jobs available which meant that less people were jobless and homeless. They also needed more room for people so, the skyscrapers became housing for tons of people. There was no place for the waste to go so, people died, jobs were lost, and the economy did weaken. As for the South, it was greatly weakened. The South was devoted to farming and agriculture but, the economy was changing to manufacturing and that didn’t work out for the South. Most people wanted to stay in the country but, most of the jobs and money was in the city.