The Industrial Revolution was from 1820-1870 | Page 10

Expansion Of The United States

Many new forms of work definitely helped the expansion of the United States. The idea of interchangeable parts was helpful because now if something was built wrong it could easily be fixed and not have to be completely taken apart. The Factory System, when businessmen recruited female farmers from New England to work in factories. Then the Outwork System is when small parts of a larger structure were given to separate households. These two new forms of work helped the United States expansion because it gave people business opportunities to move Westward. The invention of the steamboat and the steam engine also made it easier to transport raw materials in, out, and around the United States. With all of the new jobs, the more money the U.S. had. There were more people which is a big reason why the U.S. started its expansion; for more people, more money, and more jobs. Two more inventions that greatly helped the United States was the Telegraph and Morse Code. Both invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, the telegraph was used to quickly send messages from one machine to the other. This made communication much easier across the United States because what once took up to a month to receive, now only took seconds. Morse code was used on a telegraph, and was a series of “dashes” and “dots” typed by a telegraph operator to send a secret message that the receiver would read and figure out what had been sent. This helped the expansion of the United States because it made it much easier for people to communicate all across America.