The Individual Contributor March 2014 | Page 9

Bottom Line, Inc. Individual Contributor - Participant’s Workbook WHAT IRRITATES YOU? Instructions: Read the nine sets of irritations. Select the number (of the set) that most closely describes the behavior of people who usually annoy you and circle the number next to the set. Next, put a check next to the irritations that apply to you. Then, in that same set, add other irritations that you know from your personal experience. 1. Incompetence Criticism or reprimand Doubt their truthfulness Unkept promises Irresponsibility Mistake-filled work Unfair Lack of quality Arbitrary changes in procedures Violation of S.O.P’s Unfriendly Cold and heartless Selfish Rejection Disapproval Impersonal response Failures Inactivity Make little difference Late for appointments Inferior output / results Disrespect Unfeeling Inauthenticity Ignore feelings Additional irritations: 2. Ingratitude Lack of appreciation Harsh and unkind Uncaring and unloving Additional irritations: 3. Inefficiency Slow Losers Unimportant Additional irritations: 4. Insensitivity Individuality not important Impersonal rational communication Additional irritations: 9|P a g e