The Individual Contributor March 2014 | Page 41

Bottom Line, Inc. Individual Contributor - Participant’s Workbook TIME MANAGEMENT Personality Profile Graph Section 1: Attention to Task Section 2: Type of Focus Section 3: Approach to Structure Section 4: Style of Processing Section 5: Strategy of Action Divergent Detailed Tight Parallel Reactive 32 32 32 32 32 26 26 26 26 26 20 20 20 20 20 14 14 14 14 14 8 8 8 8 8 Convergent Global Loose Serial Proactive TIME MANAGEMENT Personality Profile Interpretations Attention to Task: Divergent or Convergent The extremes of the dimension of attention to task are “divergent” and “convergent.” It is relatively easy to spot a person whose attention to task is divergent. His or her messy desk is a definite clue. When asked whether or not they are organized, most divergent people would say that they are organized. They might admit to having a messy desk, but would maintain that they know exactly where everything is. Working with a divergent person can be a challenge for those who are convergent. Divergent people easily wander off the subject to whatever sounds interesting at the moment. This sort of subject jumping makes convergent people very nervous. Whereas convergent people draw energy from completing projects, divergent people draw energy from starting new ones. 41 | P a g e