Bottom Line, Inc.
Individual Contributor - Participant’s Workbook
WHAT’S YOUR RESPONSE Power Questionnaire
For each of the situations described below, indicate what you think your reaction would most likely be.
Indicate both what you would say and what you would feel inside.
1. You’re waiting in line to cash your paycheck. After you’ve been waiting nearly ten minutes, a stranger
comes over and forces his way in line directly in front of you.
Your response is to:
2. You’ve already got work piled high on your desk, and although you’ve been working quickly, you and
everyone else in the department are falling farther behind. An executive who’s not your immediate
supervisor hands you a pile of papers and asks you to get to work on them for him right away.
Your response is to:
3. You’re out to lunch with some of your co-workers, and in a joking mood three or four of them start
making negative remarks about the quality of your work.
Your response is to:
4. You have an opportunity to change jobs within the organization with a 15% pay increase. When you
tell your present co-workers, they accuse you of selling them out and leaving them just to make more
money. One of them gets angry and says, “If you hadn’t taken that job, I’d have gotten it.”
Your response is to:
5. You’re the newest member of a six-person team that must work closely together to accomplish its
performance goals. After a few months, just when you think you’re being accepted, the five others
begin borrowing your supplies and equipment without ever bringing them back. It interferes with your
ability to get your work accomplished.
Your response is to:
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