The Individual Contributor March 2014 | Page 17

Bottom Line, Inc. Individual Contributor - Participant’s Workbook WORK PRESSURES Application Exercise Instructions: On the following pages are checklists that will allow you to examine your own vulnerability, your environmental support, and the stressors that may be affecting you right now. Below are instructions for completing the checklists and what to do when you have completed each of them: VULNERABILITY Checklist 1. Select 1 of 5 answers that best suits how you feel about the statement. Be honest with yourself. No one will see the answers but you. 2. Add the numbers as described in the instructions following the checklist and enter the results in the space provided. 3. Check the explanations for your results as given in the definitions that follow the scoring instructions. ENVIRONMENTAL Checklist 1. Select 1 of 5 answers that best suits how you feel about the statement. Be honest with yourself. No one will see the answers but you. 2. Score your answers as described following the checklist, and enter the results in the space provided. 3. Read the summary of results which follows the space where you entered your score. STRESSORS Checklist 1. Select 1 of 5 answers that best suits how you feel about the statement. Be honest with yourself. No one will see the answers but you. 2. Follow the scoring directions which follow the checklist and enter your scores in the spaces provided. 3. Read the summary of results that follows the scoring section. 17 | P a g e