The Indigenous Artist Magazine Issue 7- Oct-Nov 2017 | Page 53


She is from the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunyjatjara Lands in Central Australia (NT). Her grandmother was forcibly removed from her community as a child and became part of the Stolen Generation and lost language, family and culture. Recently, she returned home to country and was able to reconnect with her lovely family, and immerse herself and her two children in their language and culture.

See Elizabeth's range here

Pictured: Inma skater dress $50.00


Thomas is a young, emerging and self taught artist, began working on canvas in 2009. He currently lives south of Sydney, but spends a lot of time with his family on the Sunshine Coast region. He is both precise and innovative in his work, continuously exploring new ways of expression and finding inspiration in the teachings of his Elders and his strong cultural background, which he values proudly

See Thomas's range here

Pictured: Ancient Ground Polo $45.00


In his early childhood, he moved to New South Wales with his mother and sister. At the age of nineteen, Marou returned to Western Australia, to the land where he was born ad his people came from. Later he started studying digital art and began painting which reflects his own childhood growing up with his family out in the country.

See Marou's range here

Pictured: Dreamtime skater dress $50.00