'The Independent Music Show Magazine' September 2023 | Page 25

Douglas Ray Jaffe is an artist, author and singer/songwriter

located in Birmingham Alabama. His lyrics come from a

place that can only be found with deep introspection, and

an understanding of the world that can only be seen through

time, experience and deep study of the soul.

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Mike Trabulsie's 7 Veritas "I Need You Now"


Relationships and love bring us so much joy, and at times, much despair.

Mike Trabulsie has written and produced a classic original song called "I

Need You Now", which many of us can relate to. Mike has recorded this song

with his band Mike Trabulsie's 7 Veritas, and the single has been released on

Artist Rock Records. We hope you enjoy it!


Gable Hea "Rumor Mill" GENRE: Country

Gable Hea is a rising star in the country music scene, captivating audiences with her unique voice and

heartfelt songwriting. Gable's music is a unique blend of classic country and modern-day innovation

inspired by country artists that range from Dolly Parton and Tyler Childers.

Since 2018, Gable has been performing at writer's rounds, showcases, farmers markets, and festivals,

captivating audiences with her outstanding stage presence and infectious energy. Her highly anticipated

first release, Rumor Mill, is a testament to her songwriting skills and showcases her ability to weave

powerful storytelling lyrics with playful instrumentation.

The song was inspired by the way gossip spread across her hometown, and Gable's honest and

authentic approach to songwriting shines through in every verse.


Audio Video

Audio Video

Audio Video

Douglas Ray Jaffe "It's"

GENRE: Heavey Pop
