'The Independent Music Show Magazine' October 2021 | Page 3

The Jeff Carlson Band, Las Vegas Nevada's heatwave of Melodic Hard Rock announce their debut album "Yesterday's Gone." The idea for the new album "Yesterdays Gone," was first consummated in February of 2020. With Covid 19 in full-swing the writing and collaboration stretched into July and the recording into November, but the pandemic had deeper effects, ingesting itself into the bands song writing. The songs not only touch on the pandemic, but also the political issues that manifested, mixed with personal issues that Jeff was going through at the time. There was plenty of raw emotion to build off of and the album reflects that emotion. With tracks like "Yesterday's Gone" and "American Dream," the band brings to light what we are all feeling in the these times of uncertainty and touches the sensitivities that encompass us all.

The major theme of the record being what Carlson referred to as hope in a world that needed more light instead of darkness.

Jeff Carlson States: “The album, “Yesterday's

Gone,” originally started out as an E. P., but

once Covid hit, we all stopped playing so we decided to make it a full length record. We really took our time and made sure we put in the time for the detail work to really shine on this record. I wanted to write lyrically about what was going on in the world during the pandemic as well as I thought it was really important to write about hope rather than everything being so bleak. At the end of the day we are really proud of this

record because we all gave

110% to make it as great as

we possibly could make it!”


24| September | 2021