'The Independent Music Show Magazine' July 2022 | Page 10

Beth Holli was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. Started her career when she went with

her dad who was a music producer and had the good fortune to be in on a session with Elvis

Presley at 9 when Elvis taught her to sing "He Gave Me A Mountain" At 14 she started singing at

the Opryland Theme Park where she met Dotties West who took her under her wing and

showed her what the road was like and how to appreciate your supporters. "I gave up my career

to marry and raise a family. Now that I am an empty nester. The rebooting of my career that I

loved is what makes me smile the most."

"The song Bail Money was written by Stephen and Carlos Battey and Marty Dodson. I fell in love

with the song the minute I heard it. Being a former corrections nurse I found it to be very cute

since I have heard this situation from some women inmates."

The John McCloy Band is a modern power melodic trio out of Los Angeles CA comprised of John McCloy (vocals/guitars), Sammy Burke (bass/background vocals), and Fred Shook (drums/background vocals).

From their debut release, Epiphany is about learning to accept things as they are—the struggle to change perspectives—letting go of the old to embrace the new.

Beth Holli "Bail Money"


"Pour Me Again" - GENRE: COUNTRY"Pour Me Again" - GENRE: COUNTRY

"Pour Me Again" - GENRE: COUNTRY

"Baby Blue"

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Whosoever South: "My People"

Whosoever South is a musical trio comprised of husband & wife team,

Rowdy & Sarah Eunice, & friend Mike Mitchell, along with a few family & friends

as instrumental musical contributors. The three are from the Southeastern U.S.

and have been making music together since the early 2000’s. As independent

artists, they are not limited to just one specific genre & often like to mix it up.

Let’s say Hip-Hop, Bluegrass, Gospel, Soul & some Country..and sometimes maybe

in just one song. They like many different kinds of music, so why not? They often

share their faith & love of family in their songs with a relevant, true to life



John McCloy: "Epiphany (trio)"

