'The Independent Music Show Magazine' December 2024 | Page 26


In 1973 Bob Dylan, who later won the Nobel Prize in literature, wrote his famous song “Knocking on Heaven’s door”. This impressive piece of art is even considered one of his trademarks. The song is rather short – two verses and a chorus repeated a few times. Brevity, as they say, is the sister of talent. Especially if in twelve lines the word “knock” constitutes practically 50% of the text. The poet doesn’t enter Paradise, he just knocks at the door of it. What is there behind the door remains unknown

Five years later, in 1978, Vladimir Vysotsky showed us what could happen behind the Eden’s gate. His song “Paradise Apples” unveils the heavenly enigma. Needless to say that the picture describing the Paradise developments is the picture envisioned by a person born and bred in the USSR. After his death a man discovers that the Paradise gardens are nothing else but a gigantic prison camp. But there is a way out of there – love and friendship of those who waited for him to return makes it possible against all odds.

Here is my translation of this song performed by American singer Tony Fata.


Tony Fata

Translated by George Tokarev



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LOVE In Music

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