'The Independent Music Show Magazine' December 2021 | Page 18

Melodically unhinged, Belfast indie-trio Careerist are one of the most energetic live performers out there at the moment. They were brought together in 2013 by guitarist and lead vocalist Carl Eccles with Conor Ellison on drums and Nathan Rodgers on bass

Their 2019 debut album ‘Weird Hill’ on Pizza Pizza Records was an encouraging start.

Carl said: “We're trying to lower our expectations for 2021 after a pretty crushing year. We had just begun demoing and recording new songs in March (2020) before the first lockdown and everything ground to a halt.

"With how tentative everything has been I'd be happy to just be able to release some music this year.”

The band are disappointed with how things have played out, but it hasn’t quashed their sharp wit.

“I'm not really optimistic about live shows happening anytime soon, but it's gotten to the point where I even miss the most monotonous and mundane parts of it, like travelling to the venue or unloading the gear from the van.

"We used to be so good at load-ins and load-outs, I'm worried we've lost our touch.”

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