The impact of people on climate change 1 | Page 7


Why do not the storks migrate?

Numerous studies and observations confirm that the white stork has stopped making its migrations in autumn, date in which formerly it undertook its flights to winter south of the Sahara (Senegal, Mali, south of Mauritania and Chad ...). He has decided to stay in the Peninsula.

Why? The presence of numerous dumps in the Peninsula (where they find abundant food), the populations of American red crab in Donana and a few mild winters make these birds have chosen not to cross the Strait and reduce migratory flights and energy expenditure.


It is a behavior that other birds are also adopting: the booted eagle, the black kite, the common swallow or the common plane have begun to adopt the same pattern. Traditionally, storks arrived in the Peninsula in February and occupied the nest of the previous year in steeples, towers or other high points. Then began his cycle of zeal and breeding, and returned to their winter quarters in Africa in the fall.

But all this has changed in recent years. The animals prefer to avoid this route, as evidenced by the censuses of wintering birds prepared by the Spanish Ornithological Society (SEO / BirdLife) and the markings with these birds. The data are clarifiers.