'the Imjin magazine' Winter 2023 ARRC Imjin Magazine_A4_32pp_Winter23_for web | Page 6


Exercise Steadfast Jupiter 23 Maj Erik Smith

In October 23 , the majority of Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps ( HQ ARRC ) deployed to two locations in the vicinity of Bucharest , Romania , to complete Exercise Steadfast Jupiter 23 ( Ex STJU23 ).
The exercise was a major ARRC exercise to certify the headquarters as the NATO Response Force ( NRF ) for the first half of 2024 . This involved a series of scenarios which tested both elements of the HQ and the HQ as a whole to conduct the type of tasks that it could face in the event that the NRF is called . This is a significant step in the ARRC ’ s progression towards becoming the Land Component Command ( LCC ) for the NATO Response Force ( NRF ) in 2024 .
Training ranged from small joint operations to major joint operational scale and above , involving over 20 training audiences , including the NRF and focused on collective defence across the whole spectrum of NATO ’ s 360-degree approach to security . It was guided by NATO ’ s two main concepts , the Deterrence and Defence of the Euro- Atlantic Area ( DDA ) and the NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept .
JUPITER 2023 will be the largest and most complex undertaking in NATO in recent history and an excellent opportunity for us to test NATO ’ s responsiveness , command and control , and defence posture in a highly challenging multithreat environment , based on a simulated Article 5 scenario .
Brigadier General Mark A . Cunningham
6 WINTER 2023 the imjin @ HQARRC Allied Rapid Reaction Corps