32 Signal Regiment
Exercise VENETO MARCH 23 ( Ex VM23 ) is a patrols exercise organised by the Italian Reserve Forces in the exercise area near the town of Porto Tolle in the province of Rovigo Veneto , Northern Italy , run over the period 22-25 Sep 23 . The competition itself involved 19 teams navigating as Fire Teams between military skills stands over 25kms . The exercise itself took place in the Delta del Po which provided a stunning coastal backdrop .
1 ( UK ) Sig Bde were represented by 32 Sig Regt , a Reserve Unit based across Scotland and Northern Ireland , contributing three teams from 52 ( Sp ) Sig Sqn and 51 Sig Sqn . 52 ( Sp ) Sig Sqn deployed on 21 Sep 23 with a move to Edinburgh to catch an early flight to Bologna . They were met at Bologna Airport by the Advance Party which consisted of Regimental personnel and then transported approximately 3 hrs to the Barricata Campsite located near the town of Porto Tolle , Veneto .
The first night involved settling into the location after the journey and getting kit prepared , ready for the event . Several briefs from the generous Italian hosts followed , with familiarisation sessions on the Italian weapon systems that would be used , briefs on the exercise enemy and situation , as well as kit and equipment checks .
The teams had an evening meal and were dropped into the training area by ‘ helicopter ’ ( a blacked-out combi-van with loud Helo sounds ) at staggered intervals from 2000 hrs . The first challenge was for the team to locate themselves on the map , before stepping off . The event itself consisted of a night phase with numerous military skills stands , such as casualty evacuation , observation posts and enemy contacts , before hitting the Laying Up Point for 0200 hrs .
After a few hours in location with ongoing surveillance scenarios the team were set off at daybreak to complete the day phase of the Exercise . Similar to the night phase it consisted of navigation and various stands before reaching the Pick Up Point for 1130 hrs . The exercise phase then finished with a move back to the Barricata Campsite for a debrief and final kit check .
With teams still on the ground due to the staggered release times 52 ( Sp ) Sig Sqn ’ s team could take advantage of a few hours rest to conduct some turn around and get a deserved shower prior to treating the numerous mosquito bites that had been accumulated throughout the experience !
On the evening of the 23rd the Italian hosts laid on a superb meal for all the troops who took part in the Ex , allowing the troops to relax and meet soldiers from the various participating nations . Sunday was an early start , taking kit down and preparing for the road move . The award ceremony took place with 51 Sig Sqn placing an outstanding 1st place and 52 ( Sp ) Sig Sqn coming 2nd place overall ; a great result for the 32 Sig Regt and the UK contingent .
The teams then moved to Venice for the night of the 24th and enjoyed a leisurely night as tourists around the city before recovering to Scotland the following morning .
Op CHAMBRAY is a Joint Force Headquarters ( JFHQ ) Operation in response to events in the Middle East . JFHQ deployed forward to conduct contingency planning to ensure the safe evacuation of entitled personnel and provision of aid to those in need .
30th Signal Regiment , part of 1st ( United Kingdom ) Signal Brigade , were deployed at a moment ’ s notice to provide the communications support that would be crucial to enabling the activity . The team worked tirelessly , together with partners from 16th Signal Regiment ( supporting 104th Theatre Sustainment Brigade ), to ensure that all deployed forces had access to the correct systems and were able to communicate effectively with forward deployed elements , air and maritime assets , and back to the UK . The deployment included small HQs using physical infrastructure as well as extremely high readiness Operational , Liaison and Recognisance Teams ( OLRTs ).
By virtue of being held at very high readiness , this short notice deployment was fast paced and dynamic , seeing members of 256 Signal Squadron being withdrawn from their annual Battle Camp Exercise in Brecon to deploy in less than 24 hrs after their return to camp .
As the Operation grew in its footprint , so did the complexity , drawing in involvement from across the Regiment to co-ordinate multiple overseas movements and support functions . The soldiers embraced these challenges head on as they arose , demonstrating exception innovation and agility .
Op CHAMBRAY serves as an outstanding example of what the Regiment can do and how elements of the Brigade remain poised to respond to any crisis across the Globe in extremely short timelines .
18 WINTER 2023 the imjin @ ARRCSpBn ARRC Support Battalion