'the Imjin magazine' Winter 2023 ARRC Imjin Magazine_A4_32pp_Winter23_for web | Page 16


The Commanding Officer of Gurkha ARRC Support Battalion , Lt Col Gary Allen , and ESS General Manager Debbie Lewis , cut the ribbon to open the Clubhouse Coffee Shop

Imjin Barracks Clubhouse

Opening Lt Col Roger Metcalfe

The Imjin Barracks Clubhouse recently benefitted from a cash injection won by the Junior Ranks Committee , and it was all hands on deck to install Sky TV , a pool table , a dartboard and redecorate the bar area . Our Industry Partners ESS ( the company that carries out cleaning and catering among other services on site ) then reactivated the bar itself , installing a coffee shop with hot and cold drinks , and hot and cold snacks . The Grand Opening took place on Monday 21stAugust 2023 . At the time of writing , the Coffee Shop is open 8am to 2pm , Monday to Friday . Everyone ( and all ranks ) are most welcome , and don ’ t forget to pick up your Compass Group Coffee House Reward Card !
Soldiers from HQ 1 Signal Brigade and the Gurkha ARRC Support Battalion , and Civil Staff from across Innsworth Station , gathered to celebrate the opening of the
Clubhouse Coffee Shop .

Allied Rapid Running Club

Cpl Jamie Hawthorne – G6
Who are we ?
Imjin Station running is back ! Under the new branding of Allied Rapid Running Club soldiers and officers from all nations and across Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps ( HQ ARRC ), 1 Signals Brigade ( 1 Sig Bde ) and the Gurkha ARRC Support Battalion ( GARRC Sp Bn ) are joining forces to undertake a jam packed calendar of races and events . We ( the club ) are a group of runners of all abilities , ages and experience , who all enjoy training and racing together .
The Season so Far
As we enter into the colder months of the year , most people will be hanging up their trainers until the Spring but not the Allied Rapid Running Club ; who are competing in the UK South Cross Country League . Each race consists of 8km of running over mud , gravel , grass and the occasional hill . The season started for the team on a sunny Wednesday afternoon at Tidworth , with the Men ’ s team winning the Major Unit category and a fantastic run from Maj Rachel Gibbs ( GBR ) who finished 2nd in the female individual category .
A fortnight later the team lead by Capt Jon Cooke ( GBR ) were back out this time at Bulford ; looking to continue the winning streak for the Men ’ s team and also to secure a win for the Female team , with a bigger squad the team tackled the gruelling course consisting of the infamous Kiwi Hill . With five races left in season , the team is looking to emerge as victors in both the Male and Female team categories .
The team is always looking for new and old talent from across the station with junior , masters and veteran categories still up for grabs . Looking forward into the new year , the team is also hoping to compete in Trailwalker and on the road at the Fleet Half Marathon ( Army Championships ). The team when not racing can be found training together on Wednesdays for sports afternoons with a mix of social running and interval sessions .
The Team after winning the UK South Cross-Country race 2 in Tidworth
Soldiers and Officers from 4 Nations before race 3 in Bulford
Upcoming Races – all are encouraged to get involved !
UK South League Race 4
11 SR Blandford
UK South League Race 5
1 Irish Guards , Aldershot
Army Cross Country Finals
Army Inter-Corps Cross Country Championships
UK South League Race 6
RAF High Wycombe
Inter Services Cross Country Championships
Army Half Marathon Champs ( Fleet Half Marathon )
UK South League Race 7
6 REME Tidworth
UK South League Race 8
Bicester Garrison
If anyone wishes to get involved – any experience , unit , age or nationality – please contact :
Capt Jon Cooke ( Engr & CIMIC , HQ ARRC ): Jonathan . Cooke116 @ mod . gov . uk Cpl Jamie Hawthorne ( G6 , HQ ARRC ): Jamie . Hawthorne101 @ mod . gov . uk WO2 ( QMSI ) Liam Baldwin ( RAPTC SSI , Gurkha ARRC Sp Bn ): Liam . Baldwin809 @ mod . gov . uk
16 WINTER 2023 the imjin