'the imjin magazine' Summer 2024 | Page 2


I am delighted to provide my first introduction to the Imjin magazine having assumed command of the ARRC from Lieutenant General Sir Nick Borton , KCB , DSO , MBE in February this year .
I write to you shortly after the conclusion of ARRC ’ s employment as the Land Component Command of the NATO Response Force and after six months of being held at readiness . I commend you all on the professionalism and dedication to our responsibilities , that you have demonstrated during this time .
As we move into a challenging new era for the NATO Force Structure , I am of course considering carefully what the future holds for the ARRC . As we assume the role of NATO Strategic Reserve Corps , we have a rare opportunity to focus on the sustained development of the ARRC Group in this role . Retaining our focus on warfighting , we shall continue to refine our procedures and skills through the summer and into Exercise AVENGER TRIAD in September .
Our role as the Strategic Reserve Corps could see us undertake a broad spectrum of tasks at the behest of NATO . In light of this it is vital that we continue to draw upon the vast experience of the personnel within this multi-national headquarters to evolve how we operate to meet the current threats . The breadth of perspective that comes from a community of participating nations is a unique characteristic which is undoubtedly one of our strengths . Key to this will be the continued focus on our programme of academic and staff training .
Over the past year , a period of unprecedented geopolitical instability in Europe has been compounded by the outbreak of conflict in the Middle East . The world provides us all with daily reminders of the very real threat posed to NATO . Moreover , it makes clear our purpose as service men and women . However , I truly believe that if we continue to work hard to be agile , and to be the best professionals that we can be , we will be ready for anything .
Audentis fortuna iuvat – Fortune favours the bold .
Lieutenant General Sir Ralph Wooddisse KCB CBE MC Commander Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks Gloucester GL3 1HW
E-mail : contact @ arrc . nato . int
Telephone : + 44 ( 0 ) 1452 718007
For the latest on the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps visit our website www . arrc . nato . int
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Throughout our NRF journey the ARRC has maintained a Warfighting ethos that has been underpinned by a persistent focus on Individual Preparedness and Collective Readiness . However , to maintain our reputation around the Alliance , we must all remember that our commitment to excellence does not stop on the 1 Jul 24 when we sunset the NRF . As the size and credibility of the ARRC grows , I will personally put a greater integration of readiness within the HQ , so on future taskings we are not rushing to readiness . As an NCO of the ARRC this is where I will need your focus and where we will continue to prove relevance by doing the basics well . Furthermore , we must strive to get as many NCO ’ s as we can to attend the NATO schools to further educate the NCO Corps into a professional body of educated , trained , and disciplined members of the Alliance .
Finally , from one professional war fighter to another , I hope you have a great summer leave , and I would like to personally thank you and your families for the support you have given to the ARRC in 2024 .
Audentis Fortuna Iuvat !
Command Sergeant Major Harley Upham
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
For staff and families posted to Imjin Barracks , there is a private Facebook group . Search for Imjin Station Community and ask to join the group .
Editor : Major Rob Hollis
the imjin magazine is produced by ARRC Public Affairs Office on behalf of all units serving at Imjin Barracks in Gloucestershire and within the wider ARRC Group .
The publication of an advert , article or photograph does not necessarily reflect the views of the ARRC , Partner Nations or the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence .
Should you wish to include an article or photograph in future editions , please contact the ARRC Public Affairs Office on 01452 718997 or e mail contact @ arrc . nato . int
Cover image :
French soldier on Ex Brilliant Jump 24
the imjin is designed and printed by The Business Supplies Group www . tbsg . co . uk
2 SUMMER 2024 the imjin @ HQARRC Allied Rapid Reaction Corps @ HQARRC