respectively . Hong Kong Troop took up the mantle to deliver both tented headquarters for Enabling Group ( East ) and Enabling Group ( West ) over their deployment .
Enabling Group ( East ) – Sig Nabin Kumar Tamang , Hong Kong Troop
Hong Kong ( HK ) Troop deployed to Gdansk Port , Poland in two packets to support 17 Port and Maritime Regiment in their role of Enabling Group ( South ). The first packet was by roll-on roll-off ferry ( RoRo ) and saw a small team of Troop accompany our fleet of vehicles to remove the requirement of a protracted vehicle move across Europe from the UK . The second packet was via commercial air , straight to Gdansk and saw the tented headquarters build take place in late February .
The role of Enabling Group ( East ) ( EG ( E )) was critical in ensuring the effective outload of 7 Light Mechanised Brigade Combat Team ( 7LMBCT ) from theatre following Ex POLISH DRAGON . With EG ( E ) staff requiring robust communication services over this critical period the team worked hard to overcome a small number of faults which occurred , with our networking equipment being the most testing . This required the Troop ’ s engineers to use their problem solving and decisionmaking skills to overcome these faults swiftly . The initial OFFICIAL SENSITIVE equipment we deployed with was the primary OFFICIAL SENSITIVE system . but having dynamically assessed the needs of the EG ( E ) staff users there was a requirement to engineer a secure connection to allow My MoDNet Laptops to be used . This was a difficult task and required a significant amount of technical analysis to create a secure connection to the My ModNet Laptop service through FEEC . This was one of the big achievements from HK Tp as they were the first troop to achieve this capability .
During the deployment personnel from HK Tp had the opportunity to develop their organisational and leadership skills by organising social events as well as develop their KSE by delivering lessons . Overall Op LINOTYPER was a very productive experience . Working with a port and maritime unit , it was a new experience working in a port environment . During this deployment personnel from HK Tp showcased their professionalism and expertise over their detachment , overcoming obstacles and flawlessly enabling staff users to do their job . I also learned and developed a lot during this deployment and was awarded with 17 RLC CO ’ s coin for my contribution throughout the operation .
HK Tp has now redeployed to Oskobol , Denmark in support of 29 Regiment RLC to establish Enabling Group ( West ) in their wider support to Ex DEFENDER 24 . This subsequent deployment has given the Troop the opportunity to work closely with other NATO allies such as our colleagues in the Danish Army and enriched the Troop ’ s deployment onto Op LINOTYPER .
In addition to providing four separate headquarters across Europe for Op LINOTYPER , 247 Gurkha Signal Squadron personnel have also deployed a small recce team to dynamically support short-notice and bespoke tasks from 104 Theatre Sustainment Brigade as and where required .
Recce Team – Signaller Sajan Limbu , Recce Team
The recce team deployed to the port of Emden , Germany on 12 Feb 24 to provide robust OpCIS services to a Port Task Group from 17 Port and Maritime Regiment RLC . After completing our task in the Port of Emden , we travelled to NATO Forward Holding Base Sennelager ( NFS ). Here we were given the opportunity to operate alongside King Troop for few days in their support of Enabling Group ( South ) before responding to a short-notice task to support 104 brigade activity in Poland .
Our next exercise location was at Szymany Airfield in the East of Poland , where I was required to step up as a recce team second in command . Initially there were difficulties in getting a clear line of sight for the SATCOM bearer . However , because of the technical experience and knowledge across our team , gained from previous deployments onto Op POLAR BEAR and Op CHAMBRAY , our team members we were successful in engineering in a strong link . This in turn resulted in services being provided to our staff users ahead of schedule . After successfully delivering services in Szymany Airfield we returned to Enabling Group ( East ), EG ( E ), Gdansk , where we supported Hong Kong Troop . During our stay we organised a Gurkha style curry messing night for the EG ( E ) service personnel .
I have had a few experiences of deploying in exercise and operations before , but this exercise was a completely different experience for me . As the recce team was required to respond at short notice , conducting largescale road moves across Europe and set up in a range of challenging environments . As the recce team 2IC , my responsibilities were
also focussed on the welfare and wellbeing of the entire team . Therefore , I encouraged everyone to do physical fitness and continuous professional development in our spare time throughout the deployment . Additionally , we have shared our technical knowledge across all detachments through cross training to give the recce team greater agility while investing in our wider technical capability as signallers .
In addition to meeting our day-to-day work and tasks , we also managed to attend various educational visits and social events organised by EG ( S ) and EG ( E ). I completed two technical upskilling courses while also having a really fruitful experience working with and alongside NATO allies . Furthermore , I achieved my Team Medic qualification and developed my managerial skills by organising a visit to a culturally sacred site , Externstein , and the Heinz Nixdorf Museum , the world ’ s largest computer museum during this deployment .
It was an absolute privilege and good experience for our team to be part of the biggest British Army exercise in years . Although we have had some challenges during this exercise , we were able to successfully execute the tasks that were directed to us .
Op LINOTYPER has resulted in a full Squadron deployment for 247 Gurkha Signal Squadron . As such , the experience for all deployed Squadron personnel has been rich and varied . All personnel have sought to identify , seize and exploit opportunities to enrich themselves as teams , individuals , soldiers and technical professionals . Critically Op LINOTYPER has provided the Squadron with a fantastic opportunity to test our extremely high and very high readiness postures and develop our procedures and processes which surround our ability to respond to 104 brigade ’ s requirements within these timelines . Equally it has given the Squadron an effective vehicle to grow our relationship with personnel across 104 Theatre Sustainment Brigade and develop our credentials and knowledge to ensure we remain agile and credible technical professionals .
30 Signal Regiment entered 3 teams into the Lanyard competition this year , all completing the gruelling 40 miles over across Dartmoor battling not only the steep Tors and hip-deep bogs but also a barrage of hail , sleet , and rain ! Remaining motivated in such challenging circumstances can be difficult , but I was struck by the physical leadership shown by junior team members , most competing for the first time . Signallers Barnet , Kamara , Milan Thapa & Webber all stepped up to drive the team forward at various stages and particularly when Sgt Jukes and I were feeling the fatigue ourselves . Thanks to their efforts , along with LCpls Hemanta Jirel and Best , I ’ m proud to say we finished in 4th place with a time of 16hrs and 28 minutes , but more importantly with a full team and high morale . Even during the hardest elements of the route there was not a single complaint from any member of the team , showing incredible physical and mental resilience .
As ever , the support team were key in the success of all 3 teams , ensuring not only that the teams had the physical supplies needed but also offering the intangible but essential encouragement to push onwards even through sideways hail after a dozen hours on the Moors . We were also grateful for the support of the RSM WO1 Beverly and OC Sp Sqn Maj Robinson who were key in letting us know that we had the whole regiment rooting for us .
Incredible perseverance was shown by every member of every team , however the outstanding performance of our Female Team led by Maj Roberts must be highlighted ; retaining the title for another year they placed 1st amongst the female teams and did so maintaining high spirits throughout the 21-hour march . The first arduous event for many of the junior soldiers , they showed inspiring levels of grit and determination in arguably some of the worst conditions seen at the event for some time .
I look forward to competing again and am incredibly proud to have been part of such a fantastic team who hopefully will be taking part again and returning to 30 Signal Regiment with not only the physical benefits but also a new insight into the leadership role every member has in forging a truly resilient team . Thank you to all who attended whether a competitor , to offer support or spectate . I would encourage everyone who gets the opportunity to take part in this challenging but hugely rewarding event .
the imjin SUMMER 2024