'the imjin magazine' Summer 2021 | Page 4

Photo courtesy of Allied Air Command
Members of ARRC and AOCC in front of HQ Allied Air Command


On 14th May 2021 ARRC Air Operations Coordination Centre ( AOCC ) personnel , together with the Ground Liaison Element ( GLE ) and a select number of experts from other branches in the HQ returned from Ramstein Air Base , Germany after the conclusion of Exercise RAMSTEIN AMBITION 2021 ( RAAM21 ).
Beginning 3 May , RAAM21 was hosted by Headquarters Allied Air Command ( AIRCOM ) to bring Air , Land , Maritime , Special Operations , Cyber and Space experts together for a joint command and control ( C2 ) exercise fusing effects in NATO ’ s five operaional domains . As AIRCOM ’ s semi-annual C2 training event , RAAM21 included 24 Allied countries and additional partners — Finland , Sweden and Ukraine . A total of over 600 personnel trained with a common goal to exercise the NATO Command Structure ( NCS ) Joint Force Air Component ( JFAC ) in a COVIDsecure environment enabled by strict Force Protection measures . “ Bringing our Allies , Partners and our outer stations
together under one roof despite COVID challenges provides invaluable readiness for the Alliance ,” stated Brigadier General Andrew Hansen , Deputy Chief of Staff Operations , Allied Air Command , prior to the start of the exercise .
AOCC and HQ ARRC personnel , together with representatives from Allied Maritime Command , Special Operations Command , Allied Land Command and a notional trial of a Space Component Command provided an all-domain awareness and holistic approach to C2 over multiple joint operations areas ( JOA ). Exercise serials reinforced the ever-increasing need for integration of effects in complex warfighting scenarios . “ For Allied Land Command , as the designated Multi Corps Land Component Command , working jointly together with Allied Air Command under the umbrella of a Joint Force Command , is a key precondition for success ,” underlined Brigadier General Uwe Becker , LANDCOM Deputy Chief of Staff Operations .
During the exercise , a number of senior officers from the broader NATO community visited Allied Air Command , including ARRC ’ s Commander and Chief of Staff thus enabling discussions in operational concepts such as Air-Land Integration and the Land forces planned scheme of manoeuvre in the JOA .
After two weeks of fast-paced , intense training the command post exercise proved to be a pivotal event for NATO ’ s Air Command C2 specialists , specifically , strenghthening cooperation between other components .
Overall , RAAM21 demonstrated the ability of Air Command to successfully operate during a global pandemic . At the end of the exercise , several new JFAC members were certified as Mission Ready for their Crisis Establishment roles .
The Ramstein Ambition annual exercise series represents a unique training opportunity both for Airmen and Army personnel of the ARRC to strenghten linkages , broaden knowledge and fully understand how other components train and operate to deliver effects for the Joint Force Commander .
For AOCC and ARRC members alike , RAAM21 was an enriching experience ; an occasion to build relations and bonds across different nations , experiences , and backgrounds .
Lt Col Claudio Pastrovicchio , ITA-AF Maj Luke Reardon , USA-AF

Exercise SAIL MARITIME Captain Chris Griffiths

Ex SAIL MARITIME aimed to introduce members of the HQ to sailing , whilst offering others the opportunity to further their skills and experience . On a wet and chilly Monday morning eleven staff from HQ ARRC deployed to Gosport to commence a week of sailing .
The two crews were initially concerned about the consistent drizzle and the lack of forecasted wind . As they drew closer to Gosport , the sun was shining and the winds were better than expected . This resulted in a brilliant first day of sailing , one of the best days on the Solent , before the crews came alongside at Cowes and debriefed on what had happened and what was to come . A sunny day on the water resulted in some rosy-faced multinational staff wandering through Cowes .
The second day saw the crews slip Cowes to Lymington – despite another day of poor forecasts most of the day was spent under sail as the crews took turns to practice on the helm whilst learning the new sailing terminology . Despite the crew involving both English and German staff , they remained cordial and enjoyed the thrilling match before retiring to the yachts for a beautiful home-cooked meal .
The crew remained in good spirits on the third day . Yarmouth was the next destination and despite being very busy midweek , the yachts made it in to the marina and enjoyed a ‘ run ashore ’, having dinner in a popular gastro pub .
The last full day of sailing saw the crew sail over to the Hamble . Now more experienced , it became apparent how much the crew had improved over the week . The winds remained steady for the end of the week and following some deep cleans , the yachts were handed over in a better condition than they were received – testament to the discipline and commitment from the crew members .
Overall , the expedition was a success . All crew improved their knowledge and skills and intend to exploit other opportunities to sail . Those that had never sailed before became converts and those that wished to build upon their prior experience did so under the tutelage of some very experienced skippers . Everybody learnt something and the crew members from ARRC will be closer following their shared experiences . Finally , the crew would like to thank the organisers and skippers for their time and effort in making the experience fun , educational and with memories to last a lifetime .
4 SUMMER 2021 the imjin @ HQARRC Allied Rapid Reaction Corps