'the imjin magazine' Summer 2021 | Page 26



There are many choices of healthcare services available in Gloucestershire , particularly for minor ailments . It is important to remember that Hospital Emergency departments are there for serious injuries and emergencies .
If you ’ re unsure of the health service you need , information & details can be found at the Advice ASAP website and the NHS 111Service . You can also receive advice and treatment at a Minor Injuries & Illness Unit and Gloucestershire Out of Hours Services .
The Out of Hours Service provides medical advice and treatment to residents and visitors , when doctors ’ surgeries are closed . The service is open , Monday-Friday 1830hrs- 0800hrs and Saturday / Sunday / Bank Holidays – 24hours . The Service is contacted by calling NHS 111 .
The NHS 111 Team will assess your condition over the phone and if it is clinically appropriate , they will refer your case to the Out of Hours Service . The Service with then either refer you or give you -
• a further clinical assessment by telephone
• a face-to-face appointment at a Primary Care Centre to see a doctor
• a home visit from one of their doctors .
www . gloucesteroutofhours . nhs . uk

NHS 111 Service

111 is the NHS non-emergency number , it ’ s fast , easy and free .
You should call 111 if :
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day , 365 days a year . Calls are free from
• You need medical help landlines and mobile phones . fast , but it ’ s not a 999 lifethreatening emergency When you call NHS 111 you will speak to a fully trained adviser , supported • You don ’ t know who to call by health clinicians . They will ask for medical help you a series of questions to assess
• You don ’ t think it can wait your symptoms and give you the for an appointment with healthcare advice you need or your doctor , or you don ’ t direct you to the local service that have a doctor . can help you best . If the NHS 111 advisers think you
For immediate , lifethreatening emergencies , need an ambulance , they will immediately arrange for one to be continue to call 999 . sent to you .
Advice ASAP
Advice ASAP ( App , Search , Ask , Pharmacy ) is available at www . asapglos . nhs . uk and also as an app . On the Advice ASAP website , you can search for local health services - pharmacy , doctors ’ surgeries , Gloucestershire Out of Hours Service , Gloucester Health Access Centre , Community Minor Injury & Illness Units and Emergency depts , or search by medical conditions A-Z or by symptoms .
Registering with a doctor ’ s surgery
When you move into the area , your spouse and family members must register with a doctors ’ surgery nearest to your SFA . To register with a surgery , telephone the surgery and the reception staff will explain and assist with the registering process . A spouse and any family members will need to complete the information / health forms , as relevant to each surgery . Further information and the forms are available on your local surgery ’ s website .
Your spouse and family members will need to provide proof of identity and address ; check with the surgery the documents they require as proof .
If your spouse and family member have a UK medical card , take it to the surgery when registering , and if registering a child / children take their history of immunisations . If you are having problems with registering with a surgery , contact the Unit Welfare Officer or PN Policy Cell Support Officer for assistance .
26 SUMMER 2021 the imjin Imjin Station Community