'the imjin magazine' Summer 2021 | Page 2


Since the last issue we have continued our drive to operate within the persisting COVID-19 environment . The Headquarters has been able to conduct numerous training activities and despite restrictions has been able to maintain a reasonably balanced and productive level of activity . Our successful commitment to Exercise DEFENDER 21 has allowed us to support a partner headquarters in a productive and safe manner , as well as exercise a large portion of our own staff . Closer to home our Corps troops have been able to exercise in advance of our Autumn programme , which is taking shape with Exercise STEADFAST LEDA 21 as the focus . Running alongside all of this is our ongoing drive to innovate and push the Headquarters forward , notably through Project LELANTOS . I am thrilled that , despite the current environment , we continue to be bold in our planning and subsequently our output . We hope that the summer break will coincide with an easing of restrictions and will allow all Staff and families to travel and visit the United Kingdom and , where applicable , to return home to see family and friends . As a look forward the International Day in September will , circumstances permitting , be an opportunity for us to welcome all those that have arrived during the pandemic and to enjoy the benefits of the rich multi-national community at the heart of ARRC .
Lieutenant General Sir Edward Smyth-Osbourne KCVO CBE Commander Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Imjin Barracks Gloucester GL3 1HW
E-mail : contact @ arrc . nato . int Telephone : + 44 ( 0 ) 1452 718007
For the latest on the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps visit our website www . arrc . nato . int
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps


Throughout the early part of 2021 we have exploited the plethora of NATO exercises , mutual training support requests and many of the specialist events to further develop the team . This has seen elements of the HQ in varying numbers or in some cases as individuals , travelling across the alliance both receiving and imparting their collective and individual knowledge , skills and experience . That in itself is impressive , but in the middle of the current global pandemic ensuring that all activity is delivered in a COVID safe manner is truly humbling to witness .
The second half of the year is filled with potential for further collective and individual development . The promising opportunities presented by exercises , mutual training support , overseas staff rides and adventure training events really does make life here in the ARRC an exciting prospect , it is what we joined the military for . There is never a dull moment in the ARRC .
For myself it is with a heavy heart that I leave the HQ as we all go on summer stand-down . I have had a fantastic time here in the ARRC and for me it is the people , the life blood of the organisation that makes coming into work everyday a pleasure . I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all that you have done and continue to do . I would also like to extend my thanks to the wider ARRC family - your families , those at home who support us all when we are away enjoying the adventure of what it means to serve in the ARRC . Without them none of this would be possible . I would ask you all to remember one thing that I have learnt whilst serving here with the ARRC : Fortune Really Does Favour the Bold .
Command Sergeant Major Stuart Davison CSEL Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
For staff and families posted to Imjin Barracks , there is a private Facebook group . Search for Imjin Station Community and ask to join the group .
EDITOR : Major Eleina Bayne
the imjin magazine is produced by ARRC Public Affairs on behalf of all units serving at Imjin Barracks in Gloucester .
The publication of an advert , article or photo does not necessarily reflect the views of the ARRC , Partner nations or the U . K . Ministry of Defence .
Should you wish to include an article or photo in future editions , please contact the Public Affairs Office on 01452 718007 or e-mail contact @ arrc . nato . int
Cover image :
Left – Major Constantin Nicu MNC-SE .
Right – WO1 Andreas Baena ESP-AF .
Images credited to Lt Col Nathan Webber .
the imjin is designed and printed by Prism Office www . prismoffice . co . uk
2 SUMMER 2021 the imjin @ HQARRC Allied Rapid Reaction Corps