'the imjin magazine' Summer 2021 | Page 13

ARRC Support Battalion have been as busy as ever over the last few months . Not only have personnel been involved in Op RESCRIPT and live firing in Brecon , but the multitude of capbadges have been brushing up on their specialist skills on bespoke exercises . Transport Troop and Forward Support Troop deployed to Salisbury Plain and conducted several distribution points ; a key skill for logisticians and one that the soldiers were glad to practice . Forward Support Troop had the rare opportunity to exercise their operational role of force protection in their Mastiffs . Power Troop deployed to tropical Weymouth for bridging exercises and were visited by Brigadier Story . Meanwhile , Close Support Troop conducted infantry training and pistol ranges .
The Battalion enjoyed some of Sennybridge ’ s best weather as they completed a week-long range package . Almost one hundred personnel completed their ACMT
ENDEX : Soldiers from Transport and Forward Support Troop on Salisbury Plain


as well as individual , pairs and fire team manoeuvres . A March and Shoot run by QMSI Hughes and CSgt Kesh was the culmination of a week of training . To the CO ’ s delight , the LAD took home the prize amongst some fierce competition from the rest of the battalion . Pte Bivek of Forward Support Troop took home best shot with an impressive 31 / 40 .
With back-to-back exercises in June , the redesignation parade in July , and Steadfast Leda looming on the horizon , it really does seem like there ’ s no rest for the wicked - but life at ARRC Sp Bn is full of excitement and opportunity .
I ’ M UP , HE SEES ME , I ’ M DOWN : Soldiers conducting a moving target practice in sunny Brecon
ARRC Support Battalion Renaming Ceremony
On Monday 5 July 21 a parade at ARRC Support Battalion formally marked the unit ’ s assimilation into the Brigade of Gurkhas . The Battalion is converting almost all of its UK posts into Gurkha posts . The 51 % point comes this summer and at that stage , the unit is formally redesignated as a ‘ Gurkha ’ unit .
The Inspecting Officer on the day was Colonel Commandant Brigade of Gurkhas , Lt Gen Richard Wardlaw . The Battalion marched on as a UK unit , and once flags were changed , they marched off as a Gurkha unit .


ARRC Support Battalion Live Firing Tactical Training ( LFTT )
The ARRC Support Battalion deployed on a Live Firing Tactical Training ( LFTT ) range package from ( 10 -14 ) May 21 in Sennybridge Training Area ( SENTA ) as a part of their annual training programme . It was planned and coordinated by the Training Wing and overseen by OC HQ Sqn . Despite the challenges faced due to COVID , it was an opportunity for all to get out in the field and train collectively as a unit .
The aim of LFTT was to ensure that all personnel were confident in safe handling and live ammunition firing drills in order to prepare the unit for future exercises and deployments . Fundamental drills were tested during the week such as : individual , pair , fire team manoeuvre , moving targets , night shooting and live grenade throws . It was a refresher on basic skills , marksmanship principles and section battle drills for most , if not all .
The LFTT was concluded with a March and Shoot competition that involved marching 5.5kms with a load of 7.5kg in the webbing excluding weapon , water , helmet and body armour with plates . The shooting event consisted of the Defence Assessment shoot and the Operational Shooting Competition . Nine teams took part .
Although all the teams were very impressive , the LAD team led by Cpl Tapan Rai had the edge in comparison to the rest of the teams with their superb marksmanship skill , teamwork and outstanding leadership and as a result , they won the overall March and Shoot competition . Of note was a remarkable speed march completed in 30 minutes led by Cpl Manoj Gurung .
Upon receiving the trophy , Cpl Tapan said “ Great effort from the guys ! It was both physically and mentally challenging ; I am proud of the team and a big Shyabash !”
Individually , Pte Bivek Gurung was awarded the “ Top Shot ” of the March and Shoot competition . “ It has been a brilliant week of shooting . I am honoured to be awarded the ‘ Top Shot ’ from the Battalion and I am grateful for all the safety supervisors for coaching me throughout the different phases .” said Pte Bivek Gurung from 14 Squadron .
Overall , a challenging but rewarding week for all .
ARRC Support Battalion
the imjin SUMMER 2021