Welcome to the summer edition of the imjin magazine.
As I look through this latest edition, I’m reminded what a really busy
and interesting place Imjin Barracks is to live and work.
There is currently a renewed interest in NATO, not least because the
Alliance is celebrating its 70th anniversary. Meanwhile, the Allied Rapid
Reaction Corps will also be marking two other significant dates – it’s 75
years since ‘D-Day’ at Normandy, where our forebears, in 1st British Corps,
commanded the Allied landings at Sword and Juno beaches, and it’s now
20 years since the ARRC led the intervention in Kosovo in June 1999.
So, with this rich heritage and long association with NATO, the ARRC
remains as relevant as ever to the Alliance, particularly as we prepare
to become the first NATO warfighting corps to be held at readiness since
the Cold War.
This magazine includes news from Imjin Barracks and beyond. Importantly,
it also offers plenty of suggestions as to what to explore in the local area.
Lieutenant General Tim Radford CB DSO OBE
Commander Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
For the latest on the Allied Rapid
Reaction Corps visit our website
For staff and families posted to Imjin
Barracks, there is a private Facebook
group. Search for ARRC Community
and ask to join the group.
Salut, les amis!
I love working for NATO.
After two decades serving across the world with the
British Army, I find myself feeling very at home here
in Gloucester. It must be the camaraderie.
Where else can a British Army officer, on their way
to work in the morning, receive a cheery ‘hello’ in
at least a dozen European languages? Or enjoy sharing a joke about the
German army – with the Bundeswehr?
But despite the exposure to new military cultures, I am yet to unravel some
of the great mysteries of Imjin Barracks. Such as, is there really a secret
Italian café within the NATO headquarters serving real espresso coffee?
And who planted the fluorescent-pink plastic plant by the pedestrian
entrance to camp?
Allied Rapid
Reaction Corps
In this edition of the imjin we invite you to discover new things about the
area. So, we’ve sent the French to taste our most famous local product –
Double Gloucester cheese. And we tempt you all to explore the west of
England, as our travel feature takes us the furthest you can travel in one
day by bus from Gloucester’s new bus station.
We’d like to thank our readers for your patience as we have taken the time
to redesign the magazine. We hope you enjoy the result.
Allied Rapid
Reaction Corps
Major Laurence Roche
Allied Rapid
Reaction Corps
ARRC Community
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +44 (0)1452 718007
SUMMER 2019 the imjin
Cover image: Lance
Corporal Anabelle
Whitecross of the
British Army, with team
mates from Gloucester-
Hartpury Women’s
Rugby Football Club.
Taken by Sergeant
Jon Bevan RLC.
The publication of an advert, article or photo
in the imjin does not necessarily reflect the
views of the ARRC, Partner nations or UK
(MoD). The editor reserves the right to omit,
amend or edit any advert, article or photo at
the discretion of the HQ without liability.
Should you wish to include an article or photo
in future editions, please contact the Public
Affairs Office on 01452 718007 or email
[email protected]
the imjin is designed
and printed by Manor
Printing Services
The next edition of the imjin will be issued
in July 2019.
Allied Rapid Reaction Corps