The IMC Magazine Issue 15 /May 2016 | Page 16

Drop Dead Famous - "its what I'm listening to"


Over the years, I've figured out something about our neighbors to the north... Canada is a veritable hotbed of #Indie talent. Case in point is Windsor, Ontario band Drop Dead Famous.

Drop Dead Famous are Rob Higgins, lead vocals; Chris Blais, synths/vocals; Dave Sinewitz, lead guitar/programing/synth/vocals & Scott Holmes, bass/vocals. From the time that their self-titled album Drop Dead Famous was released in 2014 to their latest single release The Other Side, this band fits my ears like my favorite pair of jeans.

There's a familarity to Higgins' vocals and the huge, stadium ready sound that the guys put out tease of something much bigger lurking just beneath the surface. Their sound is polished so much that you swear you're listening to a band that's been touring together for 20 years. What sets them apart from their mainstream contemporaries is the storytelling behind their lyrics. This is a thinking man's rock n roll band, and they pull it flawlessly.

"The Other Side - Drop Dead Famous: Over the past couple of years, we’ve lost some very close family and friends. People will try and console you, tell you in time it will get easier, etc…It is all with great intentions but it doesn't always help. When we were young we feel invincible and take time for granted. As we get older we see that sometimes the good die young and the evil seem to live forever. This song - “The Other Side” (which is a FREE download) goes out to everyone who has lost someone “to young to soon”. It's ok to get angry. It's ok to look up at the sky, raise a glass and toast the grim reaper or whoever it is that put this plan together and say......F##k you! You're not alone!"

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