The Ignatian - December 2016 Vol 26 December 2017 Vol 28 | Page 21
R U OK? Day
Thursday September 14 was RUOK? Day
– a day that reminds us all how important
we are to the people in our lives. The day
is based on the simple question, “Are
you OK?” As men, we are good at asking
this question if we think someone is hurt
physically, but RUOK Day is about forming
that same habit for when people are
‘knocked down’ emotionally.
RUOK? Day was created because we know
that we don’t ask each other this question
enough. In an effort to encourage us all to
have conversations with each other, the
PDHPE and pastoral care staff wore yellow
RUOK? t-shirts during the day. We also ran
several events on the day that the boys took
part in in a meaningful way.
One of these included the ‘You Good Bro?’
initiative by Year 10 students Lachlan
Stocks, Cas Clinton, James Garnsey and
Louis Callanan. Acknowledging both the
RUOK? message and the motto for 2017,
‘My Brother’s Keeper’, this involved setting
up conversation corners around the school
at lunchtime where boys were invited to
sit down, have a hot chocolate and start
a conversation. It was highly successful
in raising awareness of a very important
message in our society, and one of vital
importance to our young men growing up.
Campion House
It has been an exciting and interesting time for Campion in these
recent months. With Mr Achmar having left for Ireland for the rest
of the year, Mr Cook stepped up to the role of Head of House and
Ms Petersen has re-joined the Campion Family as Assistant Head
of House, doing a fantastic job. Their efforts, along with all the
boys, helped us to win the Swimming Carnival at the start of Term
4. A special mention is owed to Joe Walsh and Conor Minogue for
working exceptionally hard in and out of the pool on the day. One
of the highlights recently was seeing Max Moore (Year 12) running
laps with Charlie Henry (Year 7) on his back during the inter-House
Horse & Jockey Race on Melbourne Cup Day, a very fun day!
Unfortunately, a prominent member of our House is leaving
Riverview at the end of the year. This is Mr Gopalasamy. Mr
Gopalasamy has been Head of Performing arts for Riverview for
13 years as well as a mentor for Campion House. Having brought
so much passion, drive and entertainment to the school and the
House, we thank and farewell him. He has instilled his immense
passion for music into the House and the school.
Melbourne Cup representatives Max Moore and Charlie Henry
Next year without him it will be harder to get into the rhythm of
things! On that note, we look forward to 2018 as we will be re-
joined by Mr Achmar as well as a new bunch of Year 5s and 7s.
J I M O S B O R N E , C A M P I O N H O U S E C A P TA I N
S E N I O R N E WS | I G N AT I A N | 2 1