The Ignatian - December 2016 Vol 26 December 2017 Vol 28 | Page 10
Valete - Year 12 Prize Winners
Graduates of 2017
There is a special chemistry in the air when Graduation Week arrives. It is a time to acknowledge and thank the graduates for their
leadership and valued contribution to school life, most of whom walked through the gates as 10 or 12 years olds in Year 5 and 7, and
now leave as men. At the Valete Assembly in Term 3, major awards were presented, those that have been part of the graduation calendar
for generations.
In 2017, the following students were the recipients of these awards:
2017 Insignis Medal
Andy Du Pont The Dr James L’Estrange Prize for Ignatian Service
Jack Calderan The Michael Cunish Memorial Prize for Excellence
of Character and Prize for Outstanding Academic
Jesse Gray
Prize for Oustanding Academic Achievement
Charlie Hoffman The Shore School Centenary Prize
for a Senior Day student
Ben Leotta The Gordon Oxenham Memorial Prize
for Year 12 Division boarders
Liam Hurley
Congratulations are extended to these young men who have been popularly nominated by staff and peers and whose achievement
across the year has been particularly meritorious. The boys who won Prizes for Subject Excellence are also to be commended for their
commitment to scholarship and for the manner in which they have contributed to the culture of learning at the College.
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