The IB at Sevenoaks 2024 | Page 26



At its core the subject is about argument , and lessons and written assignments aim to capture the vibrancy of historical debate
The study of History helps to create thoughtful , inquisitive and reflective students . At its core the subject is about argument , and lessons and written assignments aim to capture the vibrancy of historical debate .
By studying a range of topics across geographical areas and time spans , IB History not only develops the skills of written communication , analysis and evaluation , but it also helps to produce wellrounded individuals who have a sense of their own place in time .
The course will help students to develop a nuanced understanding of the complexities of the past which we believe to be invaluable in helping to make sense of the world today .
Modern History ( Higher and Standard Level ) Students study a core of 20th-century history , focusing on the emergence and development of authoritarian states and the Cold War . In addition , Higher Level students examine key processes and concepts in 19th-century history , such as nationalism , revolution and ideology , and state formation in Germany , Italy and Russia .
Medieval History ( Higher Level only ) The core of the Medieval course is built around the study of the monarchies of England and France from the mid-11th to the mid-13th centuries , and Muslims and Jews from 1095 to 1492 . In addition , the students examine Medieval Wars and Warfare , Dynasties and Rulers , and Key Military Leaders such as Genghis Khan and Richard I .
To complement these courses the department arranges regular speakers from top universities and runs a weekly extension class . Trips , which are open to all Sixth Form Historians , also feature heavily , with Berlin one of the destinations .
The department offers Higher Level students a choice of either a Modern or Medieval History course . A Standard Level course in Modern History is also available .