The Hypothyroidism Revolution PDF / Program Diet System Cookbook Free Hypothyroidism Revolution Tom Brimeyer | Page 61
What You Can Do To Get Your Liver Healthy
One important factor in keeping your liver healthy is to give it a break so that it doesn’t
have to work so hard. You can do this by reducing your exposure to toxins and keeping
your hormones in balance so that your liver isn’t working overtime detoxifying
Another important thing that is absolutely necessary is to make sure that your liver has
access to all of the necessary nutrients that it needs to both function and convert your
thyroid hormone to its active form. This includes giving it the right kinds and right
amounts of sugar as well as the right minerals, such as selenium.
Solution #4 – Eat the Right Proteins
The general public is finally starting to catch on to the fact that protein is a very
important part of your diet. However, what is not well understood by most is that the
quality of the protein is also extremely important.
Most people are eating far too many poor protein sources such as…
Soy protein
Whey protein
Rice Protein
Pea Protein
And other forms of processed proteins and isolates
Yes, I understand that whey protein is very widely used but that doesn’t make it healthy.
Whey is high in a certain amino acid, which is not only inflammatory, but also leads to a
series of reactions within the body that suppress your thyroid.
Also, a lack of protein in your diet leads to an increase in the stress hormone, cortisol.
And your cortisol levels rise when there is a protein deficiency because one of its roles
is to break down muscle tissue to supply your body with the necessary protein that it
needs if it is lacking in your diet.
As I mentioned previously, your stress hormones inhibit the conversion of your thyroid
hormone to its active form. It also blocks your body from being able to properly use the
thyroid hormone. Both of these lead to hypothyroidism.
It’s also worth noting that a lack of protein can also cause you to not respond to thyroid