The Hypothyroidism Revolution PDF / Program Diet System Cookbook Free Hypothyroidism Revolution Tom Brimeyer | Page 55

7 Simple Solutions to Hypothyroidism Regardless of what the medical community wants you to believe, there’s never one solution to any health problem. If it were as simple as taking one supplement or even medication to solve your problem, then I think that most health problems would be eliminated by now. The sad truth is that most common health problems continue to rise regardless. And hypothyroidism is no different. There are many different factors that affect the health of your thyroid. Even though your hypothyroidism might have been caused by one initial problem (which is rare), that one initial problem quickly creates a domino effect. Before you know it, you could be dealing with a number of problems that all need to be fixed in order to heal your thyroid. For example, let’s say that your diet is poor and you’re not supplying your liver with the necessary nutrients to convert your thyroid hormone into its