The Hypothyroidism Revolution PDF / Program Diet System Cookbook Free Hypothyroidism Revolution Tom Brimeyer | Page 4
Modern medicine continues to ignore the obvious connections between hypothyroidism
and many of the most deadly diseases known to man, including heart disease, cancer,
as well as a number of other diseases that are rapidly rising today. Because of this,
hypothyroidism continues to be the most vile silent killer today as heart disease and
cancer continue to kill at unprecedented rates.
Simply looking at the
leading causes of death, it’s
quite clear that heart
disease and cancer are the
two leading causes of
death today, and both by
astronomical margins.
Yet, there’s an enormous
amount of research
demonstrating the
connection between
hypothyroidism and both of
these diseases. So much
so that even researchers
today are noting the
overwhelming evidence.
Here is an example. The following research not only proves that hypothyroidism leads
to heart disease but it also mentions several other reports that have overwhelmingly
proven the same exact connection.
Endokrynol Pol. 2005 Mar-Apr;56(2):194-202.
[The influence of thyroid hormones on homocysteine and atherosclerotic
vascular disease].
Excerpt: Several reports have appeared in the literature proving that
hypothyroidism is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease,
especially coronary heart disease. This increased risk for premature atherosclerosis
is supported by autopsy and epidemiological studies in patients with thyroid
hormone deficiency.
There are even studies, like the following one, demonstrating that thyroid hormone
levels dictate the severity of the heart disease as well.