The Hypothyroidism Revolution PDF / Program Diet System Cookbook Free Hypothyroidism Revolution Tom Brimeyer | Page 36

While Dr . Broda Barnes and his work were very advanced for his time , there were still some factors that morning temperatures didn ’ t account for . Most notably , it didn ’ t account for changes in air temperature .
Respected endocrine physiologist Dr . Raymond Peat discovered that in warmer climates your morning temperature was not always the best indicator of hypothyroidism . When the air temperature around you is warm , then your thyroid doesn ’ t have to do much work to maintain your core temperature of 98.6 ° F ( 37 ° C ).
It doesn ’ t make sense to measure your thyroid ’ s capacity to work during a time that it doesn ’ t have to work very hard .
Dr . Peat also noticed a trend of low pulse rates with those who suffered from hypothyroidism , even when their core temperatures were influenced by the warmer air temperature . But when these people took a thyroid supplement , their pulse rates returned to normal .
So , by taking into account your morning temperature and pulse rate together , you get more accurate results than with morning temperature alone .
A Note About Your Pulse
I think that this is an important point to make because so many people have the wrong idea when it comes to understanding what a healthy pulse rate is .
For one reason or another , it is very common to think that the lower your pulse the better . However , nothing could be further from the truth .
Nutrients are delivered to your cells through your blood . The slower your pulse is , the fewer nutrients you are getting to your cells . These are nutrients that your cells need in order to function properly and maintain a healthy energized state . If your cells become starved , which is very common with hypothyroidism , they become easily damaged and dysfunctional .
Also , keep in mind that there is a point that in which your pulse is considered too high . I ’ ll touch on this more in a second but this is typically driven by excessive stress hormone production .