The Hypothyroidism Revolution PDF / Program Diet System Cookbook Free Hypothyroidism Revolution Tom Brimeyer | Page 34

Why Your Doctor Doesn’t Want You Taking Your Own Temperature If measuring your basal body temperature is so simple and effective, then why does your doctor dismiss its relevancy? There are two reasons which are quite simple… 1. Your doctor didn’t go through 8 years of schooling and 3 to 5 years of residency just to let his or her patients self-diagnose themselves by simply using a thermometer. Of course not, and doctors understand that they have to protect their profession because they are the so-called “experts” when it comes to your health, not you. What would the world become if people started taking a more active role in their own healthcare and demand proper treatment? So, instead of even trying to argue the relevancy of basal body temperature, modern medicine has chosen to turn a blind eye and simply ignore it altogether. 2. Healthcare today is a business. And like any business, they want to maximize their profits. How much money do they stand to make by having you take your own temperature? Absolutely nothing… It’s much more profitable to charge you for an office visit to draw your blood, charge you for the blood test itself, and then force you to come back to their office so that they can charge you yet again for another office visit just to read you the results of your test. Multiply this times twenty, thirty, or forty years of seeing your doctor and you’ve done your part to pay for his or her new vacation home. Many people continue to wonder why the cost of healthcare continues to rise year after year. Unnecessary testing sure isn’t helping, nor is improperly treating people for health problems that stem entirely from hypothyroidism to begin with. I personally know someone who was kicked out of their doctor’s practice because they requested to receive their blood test results by phone and refused to go in and pay for an office visit they didn’t see as necessary. It’s like taking your car to a mechanic who charges you two hundred dollars to look under the hood, change your air filter, and shine your windows. If you can do it yourself for next to nothing, then why would you keep going back to the same mechanic and throwing your money down the drain? 9