The Hypothyroidism Revolution PDF / Program Diet System Cookbook Free Hypothyroidism Revolution Tom Brimeyer | Page 11
It is because of major problems like this that it is important for you to take an active role
in your own health. Otherwise, you are relying entirely on a medical system that fails to
understand the underlying cause of your health problems.
Some of the leading hormone researchers today are arguing the danger and validity of
today’s newest “normal” TSH reference range of 3 microIU/L. They believe that the TSH
level of a truly healthy thyroid is closer to, or even less than, 1 microIU/L. And that
translates into a far greater prevalence of hypothyroidism, which more closely matches
the 40-45 percent diagnosis that we seem to somehow have forgotten long ago.
The Truth & Understanding of Hypothyroidism
One of the biggest misconceptions today is that hypothyroidism is merely a problem
with your thyroid gland. It is this type of over-simplified thinking that has gotten modern
medicine in trouble to begin with. Doctors are trained to believe that hypothyroidism is
simply caused by a lack of thyroid hormone and that giving thyroid medication is the
sure, quick, and easy fix.
But millions of people using thyroid medication every single day still complain of every
hypothyroidism symptom in the book, and when you question your doctor, the typical
response is that your symptoms are all in your head.
The truth is that the health of your thyroid is far more involved than just the thyroid gland
itself. There’s an intricate thyroid hormone pathway with multiple working components,
which all must be working properly together for your thyroid to
function as it should and for you to be healthy.
It’s like trying to fill a bucket with water from a kinked garden
hose. If there’s a kink in the hose, you can turn the water
pressure up as high as you want, but water can’t flow through
the hose to fill the bucket.
The same is true for your thyroid. The only thing that matters
is getting the right thyroid hormone to your cells. You can take
all of the thyroid medication or hormones you want, but if
there’s a kink anywhere along your thyroid hormone pathway,
you won’t get the thyroid hormone to your cells and you will
continue to remain hypothyroid regardless.
This is one of the biggest downfalls of thyroid testing today. It
doesn’t tell you the most critical piece of information that matters more than anything
else; whether or not you’re getting any water into your bucket, or in other words,
whether or not you’re getting enough thyroid hormone to your cells.