Happy New Year !
Board Update Page 2 ›› Akima Celebrates Page 3 ›› Informal Meetings Page 6
Winter Edition | January , 2025
Message from the President & CEO
President & CEO John Lincoln with NANA shareholder Mary Wesley during the Noatak informal meeting .
Dear Shareholders ,
Happy New Year , everyone ! Winter has arrived , and I hope you and your families had a safe and happy holiday season . This is a wonderful time to reflect on our work over the past year and look forward to new opportunities in 2025 . In this issue of The Hunter , you will find updates on our corporation ’ s activities and important information about what lies ahead for NANA and our shareholders .
Information about our November board meeting can be found on page two . Our board of directors continues to focus on strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing operations and ensuring that we continue to serve shareholders effectively for the long term .
Many shareholders spent time with NANA leadership at this year ’ s informal shareholder meetings , and I want to thank you all for your participation and engagement . We are pleased to share photos on pages six and seven that capture special moments from this year ’ s meetings . Informal shareholder events are an important opportunity for NANA leadership to provide updates on our corporation and hear directly from shareholders .
Every year , NANA ’ s management team strives to earn more and do more for shareholders . This year , we are especially excited to share that our federal contracting business , Akima , surpassed $ 2 billion in revenue for the first time ever . Because of the wide range of products and services provided by the Akima family of companies , our federal group generates substantial and dependable income for NANA . This income allows us to explore new ways to contribute to the lives of shareholders . Page three provides more information about Akima and their recent accomplishments . Quyana to the entire Akima team for their hard work and dedication to NANA ’ s mission .
Looking even briefly at NANA ’ s mission and operations , it is clear that NANA is much more than a typical corporation . Our purpose and impact go far beyond only generating financial benefits for shareholders . One of the ways we contribute to a broader social and cultural mission is by supporting the annual First Alaskans Institute Elders and Youth Conference and the Alaska Federation
Published by NANA Regional Corporation , Inc .
of Natives ( AFN ) Convention . On pages eight through ten , you will find a recap from this year ’ s events . We are thrilled to have had outstanding participation from shareholders of all ages .
For those shareholders looking to advance their careers , I encourage you to explore the job openings and internship opportunities at NANA . We ’ re committed to providing pathways for professional development throughout our enterprise . Learn more about the opportunities available and how to apply on page five .
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our corporation and to each other . Together , we look forward to a prosperous and fulfilling new year
Respectfully ,
John Aġnaaqłuk Lincoln ,
President & CEO
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Quvianaġli Ukiutchiaq !
Happy New Year !
As the holiday season surrounds us with warmth and joy , we want to express our deepest gratitude for your support and partnership throughout the year .
May your new year be filled with happiness , prosperity , and success . We look forward to another year of shared achievements and continued collaboration .
P . O . Box 49 Kotzebue , AK 99752
With warm wishes and festive cheer , The NANA Team