The Hunter Winter 2025 Edition | Page 2

NANA ’ s board of directors met in Fairbanks , Alaska on Nov . 7-8 , 2024

Board summary

NANA ’ s board of directors met in Fairbanks , Alaska on Nov . 7-8 , 2024
Resolution Approving the Revised Board Policy Book
• The Board approved the revised Board Policy Book following a detailed review by the Ethics and Rules Committee .
Resolution Appointing One Director Trustee to Fill Seat A for a Five-Year Term to the NRC Shareholder Trust
A Resolution Approving a Contribution to the VEI Program
• The board approved a $ 1,000,000 contribution for each of the villages for a total allocation of $ 11,000,000 to the Village Economic Investment Program .
A Resolution Allocating Unused VEI Funds for Kotzebue Back to the General Fund
A Resolution Approving Noorvik VEI Funding for Hotham Peak Road Multiplate Culvert Replacement Project
• The board approved funding in the amount of $ 1,999,946.00 for the Noorvik Native Community to fund the Hotham Peak Road multiplate culvert replacement project .
A Resolution Approving the 2025 Annual Meeting Shareholder Meeting Prize List
Next Meeting Date ( s ) The NANA Board of Directors next scheduled meeting is Jan . 15-16 , 2024 , in Anchorage , Alaska .
• The board appointed Marvin Barr to fill Seat A to serve a 5-year term and reconfirmed the Trustees of the NRC Shareholder Trust and their corresponding terms are as follows :
Seat Appointee
Term Ending
A Marvin Barr 2029
B David Field 2025
C William Billy Sheldon Jr 2026
D Bonita Barr 2027
E Mary Sage 2028
Resolution Approving NANA Regional Corporation , Inc . Annual Operating and Capital Budgets for Fiscal Year 2025
• The board approved the return of unused funds in the amount of $ 900,553.70 for Kotzebue back to the general fund .
A Resolution Approving Kotzebue VEI Funding for Nikaitchuat Ilisaġviat & Tribal Programs Administrative Offices
• The board approved funding in the amount of $ 838,657.00 for the Native Village of Kotzebue to fund the Nikaitchuat Ilisaġviat and Tribal Programs Administrative Offices .
A Resolution Approving Noatak VEI Funding for School Van Driver
• The board approved the 2025 Annual Shareholder Meeting Proxy Prize List .
A Resolution Appointing Trustees to the Aqqaluk Board of Trustees to Fill Seats A , B and Interim F
• The board appointed Meghan Palmer , Jamie Adams , and Robin Kornfield to seats A , B , and Interim F and reconfirmed the Trustees of the Aqqaluk Trust and their corresponding terms are as follows :
Seat Appointee Term Ending
A Meghan Palmer 2027
B Jamie Adams 2027
• The board approved the Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Operating and Capital Budgets .
• The board approved funding in the amount of $ 53,041.60 for the Native Village of Noatak to fund the school van driver budget .
C Julie Lowndes 2025
D Lee Staheli 2025
E Brett Kirk 2026

Economic development and sustainability progress

The Economic Development and Sustainability ( EDS ) Department has been making significant progress on key initiatives over the past several months .

NANA has secured $ 65M from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration ( NTIA ) Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program ( TBCP ) Broadband Grant , which will help us bring high-speed internet to our communities . Albie Dallemolle , VP of EDS and the broadband team traveled to each village to hold community engagement meetings to introduce the project and discuss fiber routes . Our broadband team has already ordered 725 miles of cable for this project . The team completed virtual mapping of the communities for the initial engineering designs for the cable . They were doing “ Google Earth ” type photo capturing . The kids in our communities had a blast learning about drone footage , and many people thought our employees were mapping for Google Earth . Nope ! That was your NANA broadband team hard at work . Stay tuned for updates on our broadband project at www . nanabroadband . com .
The Board of Directors approved a resolution to build fiber infrastructure within the villages , which will provide access to highspeed broadband to each community throughout the NANA region . We are calling this project the “ last mile .” The board has authorized approximately $ 7.4 million for this last-mile project . This funding complements the NTIA grant , enabling the construction of a complete fiber optic network . Once completed , the network will provide reliable , high-speed internet access , unlocking new opportunities for education , healthcare , commerce , and communication for Northwest Alaska . This project reflects a significant step forward in our commitment to enhancing the quality of life for our shareholders and fostering economic development in the NANA region .
In November , the board approved another $ 1 million per community for the Village Economic Investment ( VEI ) program , totaling $ 45,605,000 since 2008 . At the November 8 , 2024 , Board of Directors meeting , the following VEI grant applications were approved : $ 838,657 for Nikaitchuat Ilisagvait and Tribal Programs Administrative Offices in Kotzebue , $ 53,042 for School Van Driver in Noatak and $ 1,999,946 for the Hotham Peak Road Multiplate Culvert Replacement in Noorvik .
Finally , the EDS board committee adopted a revised vision and mission statement for the committee of the board , which ultimately drives the work within the EDS Department .
Mission EDS strives to create economic opportunities to empower our shareholders and strengthen the resiliency and self sustainability of our communities through bold , innovative solutions .
Vision At EDS , we see our shareholders thriving economically , connected to the world , and empowered to live the best life possible .
2 The Hunter | 2025 Winter