making some unqualified to hunt due to being less than ¼ Alaska Native . As a resolve , it is asked to change the blood quantum requirement to tribal members . |
the 2017 First Alaskans Institute Elders and Youth Conference , be transmitted to suicide prevention programs , ANTHC , other health providers . |
The First Alaskans Institute ( FAI ) Elders and Youth were proud to present seven resolutions to the Alaska Federation of Natives ( AFN ) delegates . The 2017 theme was “ Part Land , Part Water – Always Native .” This threeday event , held October 16 – 18 , took place in Anchorage , Alaska . Many workshops and presentations on Alaska Native cultures and language were offered . According to FAI , more than 1,000 participants from around Alaska gather each year during the AFN convention . The purpose of the conference is to develop leadership in Native youth , strengthened with the experience and wisdom of regional Native Elders .
Seventeen Elders attended from the Regional Elders Council ( REC ), Iñupiaq Language Commission ( ILC ) and the region .
The First Alaskans Institute 2017 Elders and Youth conference resolutions packet was submitted and approved by AFN . A brief overview of the submitted resolutions are as follows :
RESOLUTION 17-01 Support the Federally Recognized Tribes of Alaska and the State of Alaska entering into a government-to-government compact agreement that allows Tribal governments to authorize , oversee , and operate kindergarten through high school public instruction .
RESOLUTION 17-02 Change the 1 / 4 blood quantum for hunting sea otters to lineal descent . Current regulations prevent many Alaska Natives and the future generations from harvesting sea otters as their ancestors have done in the past . Opportunities for economic development , traditional arts , and culture have been impacted by regulations
RESOLUTION 17-03 Addressing Equity in Education for Rural Communities . All rural Alaska students are not having their basic education needs met and are at a disadvantage because of unreliable and / or lack of access to technology , equipment , internet , and an in person qualified teachers . To resolve , the State will complete annual reports on the number of unfilled teacher positions in rural Alaska by the school and that Alaska eliminate VTC [ video teleconferencing ] as the rural education delivery system .
RESOLUTION 17-04 A Commitment to Natural Disaster Preparedness in our Communities . All rural communities in our state are at risk from natural disasters . Our communities seek out funding to assess risks , create emergency supply and shelter caches in a safe place , and take whatever steps are necessary to increase our self-sufficiency while decreasing the risk of loss of life in the event of a crisis .
RESOLUTION 17-05 LGBTQ Rights . Lesbian , gay , bisexual , trans and queer ( LGBTQ ) have some of the highest suicide attempts . LGBTQ need to feel accepted and happy and have a place in our communities . We must commit to educating our people and our communities to commit to educating about LGBTQ struggles and pronouns , names and love ; and once accepted by the participants of
RESOLUTION 17-06 ANCSA dividend tax exemption adjusted for inflation . The ANCSA act of 1971 provides for a $ 2,000 per year exemption of dividends received from being counted as income by the IRS . Federal Programs are adjusted for inflation and The ANCSA dividends income exemption has not been adjusted for inflation . It is requested that the Federal Government adjust for inflation for this $ 2,000 per year dividend income exemption .
RESOLUTION 17-07 Alaska Native Rights to Native Food from Coastal and River Systems . Alaska Native Tribes have harvested from the waters year-round to feed themselves and the Alaska population is growing at a very high rate and competition for these resources is growing and agencies that regulate those resources don ’ t always pass laws that include Alaska Natives . We urge all Native organizations and tribes to attain rights to resources that Alaska Natives rely on for food and cash economy . To resolve , the rights of Alaska Natives be researched through the federal government so that these resources can be allocated to Alaska Native Tribes as soon as possible .
To read the resolutions in their entirety , please visit firstalaskans . org
NANA is a proud sponsor of the Elders and Youth event . •