Fifty Years : Reflect , Refresh , Renew
Council for the Advancement of Alaska Natives , moderated by Liz Medicine Crow and Sarah Scanlan ( NANA At-Large board seat ) showcasing Homegrown Healers of the Maniilaq Region . Congratulations to shareholders Dr . Hans Hansen , Dr . Meagan Lincoln and Dr . Zazell Staheli !
( Left ) NANA president / CEO Wayne Westlake with his wife Sharon attend the convention .
( Right ) Former NANA President / CEO , Marie Greene with her husband , former NANA Vice President of Government Affairs , Chuck Greene .
Years of AFN – Reflect , Refresh , Renew
Fifty Years : Reflect , Refresh , Renew
We express our gratitude to the delegates and participants of the Northwest Arctic Region ! We appreciate your investment and engagement , additionally thanks to our sponsors ! We look forward to seeing you again next year in Anchorage !
The 2016 Alaska Federation of Natives ( AFN ) Annual Convention was held at the Carlson Center in Fairbanks , Alaska , from October 20 – 22 , 2016 . AFN celebrated its 50th year anniversary with the theme “ Reflect , Refresh , Renew .”
This year ’ s keynote speakers were Emil Notti and Megan Alvanna-Stimpfle , both from western Alaska . Notti was AFN ’ s first president and spoke about the hardships faced in the early years of the land claims , and Alvanna-Stimpfle served as a legislative assistant for Senator Lisa Murkowski and is an emerging Native leader . Other speakers at the event included Alaska Governor Bill Walker , Lt . Governor Byron Mallot , Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan , Congressman Don Young , and Department of Interior Secretary Sally Jewell .
The AFN formed in October of 1966 when more than 400 Alaska Natives , representing 17 Native organizations , conducted a historic three-day meeting to address aboriginal land rights . Since then , AFN has held gatherings annually to discuss Native issues and policy .
According to AFN , policy guidelines and advocacy statements are set by the dozens of resolutions passed by voting delegates at the Annual Convention . Delegates are elected based on a population formula of one representative per twenty-five Native residents in the area , and delegate participation rates at the annual convention typically exceed 95 percent . The NANA region had 15 delegates this year .
Approximately 31 resolutions passed at the convention regarding salmon resources , affordable housing , mental health and substance abuse treatment , food security , homelessness , Alaska National Guards presence in Alaska , public safety , clean and affordable energy , and support of walrus ivory crafts . The full resolutions can be downloaded from nativefederation . org / annual-convention .
The 2017 AFN convention will be held in Anchorage , Alaska . ■
DENALI : Chugach Alaska Corporation | ExxonMobil | GCI
KATMAI : Afognak Native Corp . | Alaska Airlines | Arctic Slope Regional Corp . | BP | NANA Regional Corp . | U . S . Department of Energy - Office of Indian Energy | Tanana Chiefs Conference | Ukpeagvik Iñupiat Corp . | Wells Fargo
SUSITNA : AARP | Ahtna Inc . | Alaska Commercial Co . | Alaska LNG | Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium | Alyeska Pipeline Service Co . | Bristol Bay Native Corp . | CIRI | ConocoPhillips | Donlin Gold | Forest Carbon Partners | IBEW Local 1547 | Ilisagvik College | KeyBank | Landye Bennett Blumstein | Matson | Sam ’ s Club | Teck | Visit Anchorage
TAKU : Alaska Communications | Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute | Bering Straits Native Corp . | Carpenters Local 1243 and 1281 | Chenega Corp . | Coastal Villages Region Fund | Kawerak , Inc . | Office of Hawaiian Affairs | Sonosky , Chambers , Sachse , Miller & Munson , LLP
KOBUK : Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority | Alaska USA Federal Credit Union | Aleutian | Pribilof Island Community Development Assoc . | AT & T | BDO USA , LLP | Caelus Energy | Cook Inlet Tribal Council | Delta Western Petroleum | Explore Fairbanks | The Eyak Corp . | First National Bank Alaska | FMH / Denali Center | Hobbs , Straus , Dean & Walker , LLP | Holland & Knight | Kinross Fort Knox | KPMG , LLP | Lynden | Mt . Edgecumbe High School | National Cooperative Bank | NEA – Alaska | Olgoonik Corp . | The Tatitlek Corp . | Tikigaq Corp . | UAF Alumni Assoc .
FRIENDS OF AFN : Advocacy Services of Alaska | Airlink Shuttle & Tours | Alasconnect | The Aleut Corp . | American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | Big Ray ’ s | Brice Inc . | City of Fairbanks | Cook , Schumann & Gloseclose | CLIA Alaska | Cook & Haugeberg , LLC | CSG , Inc . Attorneys at Law | Denakkanaaga | Denali Industrial Supply | Denali State Bank | EDC , Inc . | Everts Air Cargo | Everts Air Fuel | Fairbanks Elks Lodge # 1551 | Fairbanks McDonalds | Gana-A ’ Yoo , Limited | Ghemm Co . | Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce | Hoffer Glass Co . | Independent Rental | Interior Graphics and Printing Authority | Interior Regional Housing | Jolly Roger , Inc . | Ken Murray Insurance , Inc . | Kohler , Schmitt & Hutchison | Mt . McKinley Bank | Paws for Adventure | Power & Transmission Inc . | Pump House Restaurant & Saloon | Riverboat Discovery | Samson Electric | TOTE Maritime Alaska | The Turtle Club | University of Alaska College Savings Plan | Usibelli Foundation | Wright Air Service