OIL AND ALASKA Continued From Page 10
two years as the market grows . If oil prices do increase , it might be possible to develop some of these mediumsized or smaller oil discoveries . If that happens the oil industry employment and contracting work will improve . However , a return to the boom times when oil prices were more than $ 100 per barrel is unlikely . Some unusual event , like a war in the Middle East , could cause prices to spike , but the effect will probably be temporary .
We ’ ll never get back to the way things were before , when oil production was high and oil prices and state revenues were also high . We can stabilize our state budget , and the economy , but the large North Slope oil fields are still declining and it ’ s very uncertain that enough new oil discoveries will be made to stem the decline any time soon . A natural gas pipeline , which is being worked on , could bring in large new revenues but that is at least 10 years in the future , if it is built .
Still , it won ’ t rain forever . With the right decisions we can get through this , and things will get better . However , Alaska ’ s businesses must operate in a leaner manner and our state ’ s leaders must use our financial resources wisely .
Tim Bradner is a frequent contributor to the Alaska Journal of Commerce and other statewide and national publications . He has been writing about Alaska natural resource projects since 1966 . ■
Aqqaluk Trust Fall Scholarship Deadline
VEDC Committee Meeting - 8:30 a . m . to 4:30 p . m .
Important information about your NANA stock and stock will
Stock certificates are valuable legal documents that represent the shares you own in a corporation . Your stock certificate tells you the class and number of shares you own and the date the shares were issued . Each stock certificate will also have your name and the stock certificate number .
The back of the stock certificates for Class A , B , and C shares will also include a stock will form . It is very important to have a stock will on file at NANA .
It is important to keep your stock certificate in a secure place , such as in a fire-proof safe . Upon your request , NANA can store it for you .
NANA Regional Corporation has four classes of stock :
Class A : Stock for original enrollees who resided in one of the villages in the NANA region .
Class B : Stock for original enrollees who were “ at-large ” or not living in one of the villages of the NANA region .
Class C : Stock for individuals who were eligible to enroll originally , but missed the original enrollment .
Class D : Stock for eligible “ afterborns ” or individuals born after December 18 , 1971 .
The stock will form that is on the back of your stock certificate is a special kind of will . It pertains only to your NANA stock . Class D stock is considered “ Life Stock ” and cannot be inherited or transferred upon death . When a shareholder who owns Class D stock passes away , the stock goes back to the Corporation .
Remember to update your stock will as needed if there has been a change in your family due to marriage , divorce , birth or adoption of a child , or a death . Forms can be found on our website or by calling the NANA Shareholder Records Department .
It is important to let others know your stock will exists and where it is kept . If you die and no one knows your stock will exists , NANA must transfer your shares according to Alaska State law .
Your stock will form appears on the back of your stock certificate . You can also request a blank form from NANA .
1 . List the full name and address of the person ( s ) you want to will your shares to and the number of shares you want to will to them .
2 . Sign , print and date your stock will in front of a notary public .
3 . Have the notary or postmaster notarize your signature . The reason you must sign your stock will in front of a notary or postmaster and with proper identification is because they are certifying that it is you who signed the stock will . They cannot certify this if they do not see you sign the stock will and they do not check your identification .
4 . Tell someone the stock will exists . You can also send a copy to NANA for safekeeping .
Your stock certificate should be reissued if you change your name , if you reach the age of 18 , if your name on the certificate is misspelled , or if the certificate is lost . If your stock certificate needs to be reissued , please contact the NANA Shareholder Records Department .
For more information about your NANA Stock , please call Shareholder Records at ( 800 ) 478-3301 or email records @ nana . com . ■
Regional students attend GeoFORCE summer program
On June 3 , 2016 , students from the NANA region with their parents , instructors , and sponsors gathered at the University of Alaska , Anchorage ( UAA ) campus to celebrate the first of four years of the GeoFORCE program .
NANA Board Meeting - Kotzebue , Alaska
Labor Day - NANA offices Closed
22 Fall Equinox
Stock Will Winners
May - York Elmer Wilson III June - Calvina Monroe
In Memoriam
Ben Gregg Sr . Kalluk J . Snyder Katherine Margaret House Byron J . Lee Stanley Kenworthy
GeoFORCE Alaska is a week-long summer academy geoscience program designed to engage students from the Northwest and North Slope regions in science and math with the goal of promoting graduation and the pursuit of higher education . Eleven local eighth and ninth-graders traveled from Northwest Alaska to Fairbanks and Anchorage for this educational program .
The program started at the University of Alaska , Fairbanks ( UAF ). Students attended geology lectures , stayed in college dorms , and experienced a little of “ college life ”. Next , students visited field sites around Fairbanks including the Fort Knox Gold Mine , Trans- Alaska Pipeline , and the Chena River . The group then headed south to study the geology of the Alaska ’ s glaciers , mountains , and rivers near Denali where they hiked on a glacier and rafted down river . During the last day of their program , students analyzed the invasive sands
Mable Berry Dorothy Ann Henry Margaret Sheldon Ronald P . Sheldon Fred Earl Goodwin
Shaun J . S . Ticket Esther E . Reuben Lulu E . Nelson Harlan Michael Douglas Darlene Lucy Kunayak
Eleven eighth and ninth grade students from Northwest Alaska participated in this years GeoFORCE program . ( back l to r ) Sharon Knox ( Kivalina ), Esther Barger ( Noatak ), Tahayla Baker ( Kotzebue ), Chad Horner ( Kobuk ), and David Norton ( Noatak ) ( middle l to r ) Savannah Hall ( Noatak ), Solomon Sage ( Kivalina ), Deborah Stein ( Kotzebue ), Katelynn Starbuck ( Selawik ), and Lena Norton ( Noatak ). ( front ) Kastin McKay ( Kobuk ).
at Kincaid Sand Dunes in Anchorage , Alaska .
All of the students received passing marks and were invited to attend the second year of the summer academy geoscience program held in the Southwest region of the United States .
Clayton Troy Haviland Edith Sequak Mary A . Finch Claudius L . Jackson Tony S . Jones Sr .
NANA Regional Corporation , Inc . funded the program and provided logistic support for the students .
For more information on GeoFORCE , visit www . geoforce . alaska . edu . ■
Emma Norton Stella Sage Cora Dorothy Sakeagak
12 HUNTER � 2016 MAY / JUNE