The Human Condition: The Stephen and Pamela Hootkin Collection Sept. 2014 | Page 52

SH: Whenever we acquired a new piece, we would spend a lot of time thinking about where we were going to put it. Introduction of a new piece could disturb the relationships between the existing pieces that we had set up previously. Oftentimes, with a new piece we would spend hours or days trying to find the proper place for it— one that wouldn’t change the feeling of everything—just to make sure it fit in perfectly with the rest of the whole. Even one little thing could disturb the vision so we had to get it right. I think about that frequently, how we wanted to make sure everything just fit together in our vision. Sun Koo Yuh, Let Me See, 2006. for twenty years and then you see something new in it. That’s what makes a collection so fruitful and exciting; for us looking at art is always new and refreshing. RP: Do you ever disagree about potential acquisitions and if so, how do you resolve the difference of opinion? PH: Across all the years that we’ve been collecting, I can remember only one circumstance when we didn’t RP: Do you occasionally move your pieces around immediately agree on a piece. It was at a show of in the apartment? Christina Bertoni’s work at the Victoria Munroe Gallery. PH: It’s more rare as time goes on. As we acquired SH: Which is very unusual when we have over three works sometimes it caused us to need to move some hundred pieces. In thirty years, our tastes were so things around. We have moved some of the vessel compatible that we could walk into a gallery, each forms that we collected earlier in our career, and walk off in a different direction and then, at the which aren’t as much our focus now, to storage. end, we would both home in on the exact same We also have a number of pieces in the warehouse piece. I have no idea why that happened, how it for which we just don’t have the space in our living happened. We come from different backgrounds, quarters. However, we have never made it a habit but our gut feelings just meshed perfectly. to move pieces in and out of the loft, nor have we ever sold a piece. We just kept accumulating RP: Did both of you have an interest in the arts and finding room for work as we acquired it. before getting married or is it something that became your thing as a couple? 50