The Hultian Spring 2017 | Page 48

HULTIAN : What has been the most valuable lesson in your professional career ?
O : First of all , you have to enjoy what you are doing and dedicate yourself to it . If you do not you will not put 100 % of your effort into it . I once found out about a study done by psychologists where about 300,000 people were asked the same question at different times of the day for about a year . The question was , “ What are you thinking of right now ?”. After reviewing results , crunching the numbers and measuring the different responses throughout the day , they found out that those who answered differently throughout the very important part of global trading . Take gold for example . It has a history of being traded for 3,000 years , and it is an established market . You can buy the future , the physical , and you can store it . Bitcoin has not reached those requirements yet . It needs time to mature and gain credibility with credible institutions . Once it does , it will be analyzed and recommendations will be made . Right now , however , it is not in the same category as currencies . There are elements trying to legitimize it , but that doesn ’ t necessarily mean it ' s something we should do at this point .

" Take gold for example . It has a history of 3,000 years of being traded and it is an established market ."

day were at the bottom of the performance scale . Those who provided the same answer : “ I am thinking about my job ”, were at the very top of the income scale . The lesson I learned is to always think about business . You can do other things , but your main purpose is to think about your job . Other important lessons I learned are to work hard , think outside the box , never fear the future , and always take challenges larger than you ' re capable of doing right now and grow along the way .
HULTIAN : What impact are electronic currencies ( i . e . Bitcoin ) having in Private Wealth Management ?
O : Bitcoins are something we see as high risk . Currencies themselves are a
HULTIAN : What industries can benefit the most from the Trump administration ?
O : It ’ s a little early to tell , but if they lessen some of the regulations in the financial market they are going to benefit . They have already started to react positively . The infrastructure [ development plans ], if executed properly , will benefit services like caterpillar , asphalt , and lumber . The pipeline project will benefit US steel . These are all just projections , however . They have not yet been executed . We currently do not know what is going to hurt - what if they use US steel and it ' s more expensive than Chinese steel ? The American public is going to end up paying more for it . A lot of the stocks have been moving up based on expectation .
Otto Busot