help to create this type of community.”
Sounds like a no-brainer, but there is even more research to
prove the economic benefits of green spaces.
Homes and businesses located near parks have higher
property values. Businesses with landscaping and green spaces
attract more clientele. Creation and maintenance of urban green
spaces provide both year-round and seasonal employment.
Finding Green Space
“In addition to ERCA’s 19 conservation areas (there is one in
every municipality), our region has other beautiful natural places
to explore and enjoy,” says Steubing. Some of her favourites are
Ojibway Park, Brunet Park & LaSalle Woods in the Town of
LaSalle, and Point Pelee National Park.
We are lucky in Canada to have so much access to parks and
natural areas. There is 64,000 kilometres of documented trail in
this country, and organizations like ERCA hold more than 40
events each year to encourage connections with nature. Taking
part in events like tree planting allow for even more interaction
with the outdoors.
Green space can expand beyond the standard parks and
paths. Planting a small garden in your backyard or on your
balcony gives you a green space close to home - and planting the
right things will help pollinating insects like bees, or attract
different kinds of birds and animals.
Find out more about the
importance of creating,
maintaining and preserving
green space
Mood Walks
Project Evergreen
Save Ojibway
Getting Involved
There are many organizations locally that support the
development and preservation of Windsor-Essex’s natural areas
and environmentally friendly activities. Bike Friendly
Windsor-Essex, Friends of Ojibway, the Detroit Greenways
Coalition and ERCA are just a few that you can get involved with
to do more to promote the green spaces in our communities.
There are
kilometres of
trail in this
country, and
like ERCA hold
more than 40
events each
year to
with nature
Click to view