The Hub May 2016 | Page 26

treadmill in the air conditioned gym, but being outside impacts those systems more effectively. General movement provides a boost in endorphins, the body’s natural pain relievers. Being outside also increases your body’s intake of certain vitamins, including Vitamin D from the sun, a natural way to strengthen bones and avoid osteoarthritis. Mental Health Mental health benefits from the outdoors are more difficult to track, but forest-bathing research by the Japanese also notes improvements, notably from those negatively-charged ions previously mentioned. The practice of spending time outdoors relieves stress and induces a feeling of comfort or relaxation. Though research in this area is still new, many organizations are beginning to embrace it. “Opportunities to walk in nature and connect with the peaceful environment has a positive effect on people who may be suffering from depression, anxiety or other mental health related challenges,” says Steubing. The Canadian Mental Health Association has begun an Ontario-wide initiative recognizing the impact of nature on your mental health with “Mood Walks.” Connecting with Hike Ontario and Conservation Ontario, Mood Walks “provides training and support for community mental health agencies, social service organizations and other community partners to launch educational hiking programs, connect with local resources, find volunteers, and explore nearby trails and green spaces,” according to the CMHA website. Research from the CMHA shows that regular use of physical activity in natural areas can reduce the risk of mental health problems by as much as 50 per cent. Other research from CMHA shows a daily walk in nature is the equivalent of taking an antidepressant. Even just looking outside has physical benefits as early as 1984, studies were showing that hospital patients with exterior views improved more quickly after surgery! We’ve included the infographic from Mood Walks in this article for you to learn more about these new organized hikes, including hikes for Youth In Transition organized by this group.