The Hub June 2016 | Page 9

Eva Antonel June, the official kick off to summer festival season in Windsor-Essex, begins with Art in the Park, the first weekend of the month and continues well into the fall. What's not to like about a month that ushers in countless opportunities to get out and experience the best our county has to offer? From food, wine and beer to music, history and culture, not a weekend goes by without the promise of something exciting happening just around the corner. For many of us, Carousel of the Nations, a Windsor festival staple for the last 41 years, brings together all of the many aspects of celebration into one unique bundle. Not only are we able to eat, drink, dance and fritter away the long summer hours in the company of friends, we're able to do all those things in ethnically specific ways. Windsor, after all, is one of the most diverse communities in Canada and it seems fitting that we celebrate all the different cultures that contribute to the whole. Beginning with Fusion Festival, a representative sample of all that we can expect in more depth during the following two weekends, the second and third weeks of the month allow us to delve into each nationality's distinctly unique culture as deeply or casually as our interest dictates. According to Oxford dictionary, culture pertains to "The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively." Most "Villages" participating in Carousel of the Nations provide the visitor with an opportunity to glimpse many of those art forms through a display of artifacts, historical recounting as well as samples of visual and folk art produced by local members sharing that ethnicity. However, the highlight of every village usually centres on the food, drink and entertainment available to those curious enough to visit. Where is it written that art must hang on a wall or be displayed in a case? It isn't till adulthood, that many of us come to appreciate the unique flavour of the foods, the beauty of the melodies and the rituals of our particular roots and that of the roots of others. If you've ever tried to make a samosa or dance the hora, and you're not of Indian or Middle Eastern descent, you know there's more to it than following a set of instructions. These endeavours are art forms in themselves. Unlike visiting museums and art galleries, participating in Carousel of the Nations allows us to experience the art of a culture with all five senses. Check out the schedule of events and the locations of the Villages in the link below. Venture out into some unknown territory. You'll find we all celebrate a little differently but in the end we all like to eat, drink and be merry. How do you support local artists? Tweet us @TheHubWE #artmatters June 2016 - The HUB 9