The Hub June 2016 | Page 4



Driving down a Windsor street the other day , I caught a glimpse of a local crossing guard on the job . No kids were in sight yet - it was still a few minutes until the school bells rang dismissal for the day . It was a warm , sunny afternoon - summer was definitely in the air . As cars sped by on the through-street , the crossing guard , who was posted at a side street intersection , was clearly jamming out to a song only he could hear . His arms waved , his feet stepped , his body swayed .
There was a guy clearly enjoying himself , and he didn ’ t care who knew it . We should all have such a great approach to our work day .
It ’ s no surprise then , with guys like these patrolling our intersections , that Windsor-Essex is the place to party in the summertime . Our area has become known province-wide for its festivals and fairs , repeatedly winning awards and accolades for the celebratory efforts of groups and communities . If we grow it , we ’ ve got a festival for it . Not to mention the arts , music , heritage and more that we build our summer festivals around . In this issue of The Hub , we ’ ve tried to break it down for you in anticipation of festival season . I ’ d like to challenge each one of our readers to try to get to at least one new-to-them festival this year . And do more than ride the Tilt-A-Whirl - really experience whatever it is that that particular festival is all about . Have some shortcake , visit the craft exhibits , view a tomato stomp . Dance a little .
And in between festivals , check out The Hub on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram- share your pictures with us , your festival adventures and community fun . After all , we ’ re all about bringing people and ideas together - we can ’ t wait to connect with you this season !.
Managing Editors Eva Antonel Shelley Divnich Haggert
Contributors Alex Antonel , Rabiul Biplob , Christian Bouchard , David Dyck , Angelica Haggert Windsor Essex County Health Unit
Connect With Us ! info @ thehubwindsoressex . com facebook . com / thehubwindsoressex @ TheHubWE
4 The HUB - June 2016
Copyright 2016 The Write Side Up Inc . & Audacity Design Group Inc . No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the publishers .
We went away for the long May 24 weekend , as we have for the last several years . That particular date on the calendar has become to my circle of friends , the unofficial beginning of summer . Because we all live in the Windsor area , Michigan , with its accessibility and many attractive points of interest within a relatively short driving range , has become our destination of choice . We have seen many a beautiful lake and lakeside town , country road and sand dune but , I ' m sure you ' ll know what mean when I say we always sigh a sigh of relief when we cross the bridge back into Windsor . I know that anyone , living anywhere , experiences a similar reaction when returning home , but not many of them can say they ' ve driven to another country just for a long weekend .
Our geographical location is just one of the features that makes us unique . Our ethnic makeup , our small town feel and our way of celebrating those attributes creates a community distinctly our own . In this issue of The Hub , we shine a spotlight on the Town of LaSalle . Its storied past , prosperous present and future prospects are explored just in time for their 25th anniversary . You may think you know all there is to know about a place you probably pass through many times a year . I live here and still realized there is so much I had to learn .
If you ' ve lived in the area for any time at all , you know that Windsorites like a party . If there ' s an occasion , we ' ll bring out the food , drink and music to celebrate . Every month seems to have a reason to get together . Celebrate 2016 lists ones you should look out for while keeping your eyes and ears open for newcomers .
In between festivals , take some time to venture out into the city and county , check out the home grown produce available on many roadside stands , sip a glass of wine or beer produced at one of the many local wineries and breweries , stop in to see what our advertisers have in store for you in June and let us know what you ' ve been up to on our FB page . We ' re only as far as your smartphone , laptop or tablet . Don ' t be a stranger - our door is always open !


Please direct advertising or subscription inquiries to info @ thehubwindsoressex . com
The Hub is published 11 times a year by The Write Side Up Inc . & Audacity Design Group Inc . Articles and advertisements in The Hub do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the magazine . We do not assume responsibility for statements made by advertisers or editorial contributors . The acceptance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement of any product , service or information being advertised . We do not knowingly present any product , idea or statement which is fraudulent or misleading in nature .