The Hub July 2017 | Page 33

With all the extra traffic from the Discovery passes attendance at the fort is up 300 percent says Dale. "The height of traffic has been incredible. Our school programs are up too. More schools have been coming. We have a 25 per cent discount this year so a lot of local schools have been encouraged to come back.” Anne Rota, Manager of Tourism and Culture for the Town of Amherstburg says many people are coming to town looking for the Discovery passes before heading to Fort Malden.”It definitely has had an impact on what we believe visitorship to be for the year. It is busy.” She said that many people requesting the passes and are intending to bring family and friends in from out of town. The economic impact of the Canada 150 Discovery Park Passes is not known yet but it is strengthening the community. "Visiting the sights and the parks really gives people a connection to the cultural and natural history in the area," says Dale. Many visitors are returning to reminisce about their trips to the fort as children. Dale says it is neat to hear stories of people now in their 30s, 40s and 50s who remember their Grade Seven trip to Fort Malden. "They may remember a small part of the trip such as making a pewter button but it's really incredible to see that they still remember that trip.” Coming to the fort is a generational tradition too, with parents and grandparents bringing the kiddies to relive earlier childhood experiences visiting the Fort. Stroll around the grounds and relax by the river while you watch excited children running from one place to the next, their little minds absorbing the local history. Immerse yourself, shoot a musket, have lunch cooked over a fire, watch the cannons blast or learn to escape solving a time sensitive mystery. However you choose to experience Fort Malden you can be sure there’s more than just walking around listening to a history lesson. History comes to life when you enjoy and experience Fort Malden. b b3ODQW%DVHG  &KHPLFDO)UHH  /RFDOO\0DGH   Above: Period volunteers preparing lunch Below: The garden hops and vegetables behind the Pensioners cottage IkZJ^[hWfo   $OO1DWXUDO+D QGFUDIWHG6RDS     H[Yedd[Yj_d]m_j^DWjkh[    Ed[XWj^WjWj_c[      $YDLODEOHDW   &DVD&KDYHOD   3HOLVVLHU6W:LQGVRU        $VSLUH/DVHU+DLU 6NLQ7UHDWPHQWV      &DEDQD5G:LQGVRU  b  %Hb:HOO     (OHFWULFLW\'U:LQGVRU    3LHGD7HUUH     'DOKRXVLH6W$PKHUVWEXUJ   :DJQHU2UFKDUGV     /DNHVKRUH5G 0DLGVWRQH