The Hub August 2016 | Page 7

Brett Henderson
Corn glorious corn ! I ’ m pretty sure that ’ s how the song goes .
Sweet corn season is upon us . Whether on the cob or mixed well into your mashed potatoes ( my personal favourite ) corn is undeniably delicious . Get yourself to your local farmers ’ market and pick some up after reading this column - you wont regret it !
As I was driving home from a round of golf last week , I noticed a small , green , hut like structure in a parking lot . A huge smile spread across my face as I realized it was that time of year - the local farmers have set up their corn selling stand ! I immediately pulled over and picked up a few pieces of corn for dinner .
After removing the corn from its silky smooth husk and placing it in boiling water , the corn bubbled and sang on the stove . The warm butter I spread across it seemed to melt in slow motion and the freshly cracked salt danced around the edges of the perfectly shaped cobs .
Sweet cornstalks typically grow about 7 to 10 feet in height . Ideal growing conditions are a sunny summer day with fertile , well — drained soil . It ’ s no wonder we get such great corn in Essex County .
Corn is gluten free and may be safely consumed by individuals with celiac disease or those interested in maintaining a gluten-free diet . It ’ s also a great source of phenolic flavonoid antioxidant or ferulic acid . If you remember from our previous lesson with berries , that ’ s good ! Several research studies suggest that ferulic acid plays a vital role in preventing cancers ,
aging and inflammation in humans .
Corn also contains some of the valuable B-complex vitamins like thiamin , niacin and riboflavin . Many of these function as co-factors to enzymes during substrate metabolism . And if that isn ’ t enough to convince you to go out and get some corn , know that it also contains healthy amounts of some important minerals like zinc , magnesium , copper and iron .
Still need convincing ? Corn is celebrated locally ; Tecumseh ’ s 41st annual corn festival will be held August 25 to 28 .
The festival will include entertainment as well as many vendors each presenting corn in their own way . And no genetically modified corn will be sold for consumption at the festival . So don ’ t hesitate to get out there and eat some corn .
Tell us on Facebook about your adventures with food this month , or tweet us @ thehubWE # foodmatters
August 2016 - The HUB 7