The Hub April 2015 | Page 4

CONNECTING I saw a robin yesterday, and let out a whoop. It’s here – spring is here! Already I can imagine the feel of dirt under my fingernails and the pleasant ache that comes from kneeling by the flowerbeds, tending my roses and perennials. It seems like no matter how short or long the cold weather lasts, it’s always too long for my liking. Spring and summer are definitely my seasons of choice. It’s cliche, but spring to me really does signify a time of new beginnings and new opportunities. In addition to the new installments I’ll make in the garden, I’m looking forward to cycling weather, when I can check out some new paths, and market weather when I hope to see some new vendors downtown. In the spirit of things, I’m even planning to try eating a new vegetable or two – it’s never too late to expand my palate, right? Along with new veggies and new flowers, this month’s issue of The Hub has got me considering some new ideas. I’ve never underestimated the importance of a sense of humor, but the idea of Laughter Yoga has me intrigued; likewise the thought that I too could be one of the thousands in our area who plant trees for the community. There are also several new events in our community this April that I’m considering investigating. And I’m loving the chance to make new connections with organizations like WEARCI and ERCA, both of which do so much, in different ways, to strengthen our community. Why don’t you try something new this April? It doesn’t have to be a big thing – it can be as simple as a plant, a new food or making a new friend. New things are good for you – they open your mind, expand your horizons and enrich your personal experience. As the tulips come up, and the birds return, you can make your own mark on the season. And don’t forget to tell us about it on Facebook and Twitter – we love hearing from you! . Shelley Whenever the longing for spring becomes too much, I feel the urge to get out of Dodge. Maybe the change of scenery delivers what Mother Nature isn't ready to. As luck would have it last weekend, my auto pilot brought me to Leamington. Driving down Highway 18 has never disappointed, whether I end up in Amherstburg, Kingsville, Leamington or somewhere in between. Subconsciously hoping for a glimpse of a greenhouse or two, I kept heading east like a demon on a mission. Just as I was ready to call it a day, a sign that looked like it had been polished up since September caught my eye. It seems that Anna from Anna's Flowers knows me and a whole lot of people like me. I wasn't the only one with a grin on my face as I wondered the aisles filled with colour that more than hinted at spring. Fresh herbs, potted daffodils, tulips and hyacinths filled the space closest to the door while bedding plants of all kinds still worked on getting their feet under them in time for post-Mother's Day planting. Oh the joy! It felt a little bit like cheating, to pack a box full of daffodils, herbs and fresh cherry tomatoes in the back seat of my car. What is it about growing things that lifts the spirit every time? In this issue of The Hub we look at the efforts of local service clubs and everyday people like me and you who make sure trees will be a part of our landscape for generations to come. Trees do so much more than keep the planet from burning to a crisp. Studies show that we feel better just having them to look at. And, since so many retirees are choosing Windsor/Essex as their new home, they are lucky enough to see those trees in their green glory for longer periods of time than the average Canadian. We know, we asked and have written about that in this issue too. And if you'd always thought that you need a reason to laugh, we prove you wrong in spades. Read about Laughter Therapy and have a chuckle just for the heck of it. It'll do you good after this never-ending winter. If you're like me and can't wait till May to get your fill of green growing things, head down to Anna's Flowers. The front cover is just a preview of what you'll find inside. Managing Editors Please direct advertising or subscription inquiries to [email protected] Eva Antonel Shelley Divnich Haggert Contributors Alex Antonel, Angelica Haggert, Michael Haggert, Shelbey Hernandez, Windsor Essex County Health Unit Connect With Us! [email protected] @TheHubWE 4 The HUB - April 2015 Eva Copyright 2015 The Write Side Up Inc. & Audacity Design Group Inc. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the publishers. The Hub is published 11 times a year by The Write Side Up Inc. & Audacity Design Group Inc. Articles and adve