HR Professionals
Building Human Capital
Human Resource (HR) Professionals play a strategic role in organisations to
attract, develop and retain talent for sustainable business growth and competitiveness. Increasingly, the dynamic business environment necessitates them to also
facilitate change and transformation to build resilient and adaptive organisations.
Strengthening our HR capabilities to keep up with the changing demands rests
with both individual HR Professionals and employers alike. The Singapore
Workforce Development Agency (WDA), together with its industry partners, has
developed the Human Resource Workforce Skills Qualifications (HR WSQ) as a
national HR competency framework for the continuing education and training of
our local HR Professionals and People Managers.
“HR practitioners need to innovate new practices to enable
the organisation to extract maximum value from its human
capital. This is important for all HR professionals in order to
generate value for the organisation and ensure sustainability of
the profession. The HR WSQ enables HR Professionals to be
on par with, if not better than, our overseas counterparts.”
Carmen Wee
Vice President, Human Resources (Software Business)
Invensys Operations Management