Honey Bee Press
A newsletter brought to you by the Women on the Wall in loving memory of Annette “Honey” Grant
Volume 3, Issue 1
October—December 2013
Following God’s Will—by Tonia Williams
Inside this issue:
Featured Article: Facing My Fear 2
Featured Article: Be the
Honey’s Reading Corner
A Note from Our Founder
Featured Articles: Balancing Act 5-6
Too Much Stuff
I, too, Have a Dream
Encouraging the Singles
Marital Bliss
Financial Fitness
Honey’s Health Corner
Do You Want to Know Him 12
? If you would like your
event featured in our
newsletter, email us at
[email protected]
We would love to hear from
you. Are you being blessed by
the newsletter? Is there a topic
you would like addressed?
Following God’s Will…this topic is
one that rocks my world on a daily
basis, but I felt that writing about
it would be so easy. I mean,
following God’s will should be the
desire of every Christian, right? I
was about as right as two pair of
left shoes. This was a hard topic
that bruised my toes and my
heart; it reminds me again of the
grace and mercy of God. While
writing this, I also found some
answers for myself and hopefully
something for you as well.
I trust God with my life, we all do.
But on a daily basis we say, “God,
I trust you to make a way out of no
way; and I trust you for love and
mercy and for the joy and peace
that surpasses all understanding…
but surrendering my will for Your
will…Let me get back to you on
that one.”
It’s often hard to accept God’s will
for our lives because we think that
whatever we are going through is
a situation that we can handle. We
think that God’s will can’t be right
in this situation. “Lord, I know
what’s best. I want that job, that
house, and oh yeah that
man.” We want and seek to
delegate God to one corner of our
many cornered lives. His will is ok
for some things, but He can’t
begin to know how we feel and
need these other situations to go
just as we have planned them.
“Lord, I know you are God and all,
but I have to be married by 25,
have my master’s degree by 30,
first and second children born
before I turn 35, and well on my
way to being that career girl with it
What happens when God’s will
isn’t that you marry or that you
marry and end up divorced, raising
two children on your own? What
happens when your plans don’t
line up with God’s plans for your
So does following God’s will mean
we should just roll over and
accept whatever comes our way?
No. Following God’s will doesn’t
mean we shouldn’t have hopes
and dreams, but that we line up
our hearts and minds to let God
be God. Knowing that He knows
best and that He has a plan and a
purpose for us. He sees the things
that our frail human eyes can’t
begin to see. Jeremiah 29:11
states, “For I know the plans that I
have for you,” declares the LORD.
“Plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, plans to give you a
hope and a future.” To me this
means that God does have a plan
for my life and whatever He has in
store for me is a million times
better than what I could have ever
hoped, dreamed, or imagined.
A wise woman once told me it’s
about our posture as we accept
God’s will that makes the
difference. Will we rant and
scream like angry two year olds
because we were denied what we
want? Or, do we say “God, I don’t
know what you are doing right
now, I feel vulnerable and scared,
but I’m going to put my little hand
in your great big hand and trust
you to help me.” (Thanks
The victory comes in accepting His
will. I remember when my sister
found “the perfect” house. It
would have been a dream come
true for her new family. The day
they were to sign the papers, the
owners changed their minds and
decided not to sell the house. My
sister was devastated by this loss.
She cried and prayed and was
inconsolable for days. Finally she
changed her prayer from “Why
Lord?” to “Yes, Lord; Thy will be
done.” Now, the house she was so
sad about was about 20-40 years
old and she would have needed to
purchase all new appliances and
make major repairs. A week later
her agent called and said “I think I
have found the perfect house for
you.” This house was brand
spanking new, had new
appliances, a bigger and better
yard, and the asking price was
much lower than the first house.
Wow, if she had fought for her will
and her way she would have been
saddled with a rundown home and
not the brand new home that
God’s will brought her way. Does it
always happen that simply and
easily? No, sometimes we have to
wait a bit and let God’s plan come
to light in His perfect timing. I
think this would be a great next
article, waiting on God….. Oh no!
There goes my toes again.
Image courtesy of Marcus / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
We would like to stand with you in prayer. There is so much power in agreement and prayer.
The enemy tries to make us feel like we are alone in this journey when in fact there are many
of us that are going through the same thing. The Women on the Wall believe that “sisters
need sisters.” We need each other to survive. In the kingdom, when one of us suffers, we all
suffer. We want you feel the weight of the prayer pushing you forth in your calling. Send us
your prayer requests and know that we will lift you up. No prayer request is too small or too
big. Email us at [email protected].